3 Simple and Easy Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss doesn't have to be a troubling ordeal. Whether you're looking to drop five pounds or 15 pounds, simple lifestyle changes can increase the rate at which you burn fat and calories. Dieting is highly effective but when you deprive yourself of food or consume foods that you don't like, you're not likely to stick with a diet. Remember, it's all about lifestyle. Weight loss should not be thought of as a quick fix. It's a commitment to better health and wellness forever. If you're having a hard time figuring out where to start, there are simple and easy steps to take that won't require a lot of work or effort. Weight loss or a new healthy lifestyle shouldn't be thought of as a complete change overnight. Take time and gradually work your way into better health and wellness.
If weight loss is your priority, here are three simple and effortless ways to lose the pounds.
1. Find ways to stay active: Activity shouldn't be limited to only exercise. Throughout your day, find different ways to keep your body moving. Take the stairs at work, stand up at your computer instead of sitting, pace the floor as you talk on the phone, go for a walk on your lunch break, park away from stores and buildings or jog in place for one or two minutes at a time. Stop going to drive through eateries where you can remain in the car. Park the car and walk into the restaurant. Get up from your desk and take a walk around the floor or building every 15 - 20 minutes. All of these small ways to burn more calories add up throughout the day.
2. Replace unhealthy snacks with fruits and veggies. Some people significantly decrease their food intake while dieting. While it's good to eat less, your body needs calories and food for energy. Rather than starve yourself, stock up on some of your favorite fruits, such as grapes, apples, kiwi, peaches, carrots, celery and any other veggie sticks. These items contain natural sugar and very few calories. In addition, they contain nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that your body needs instead of empty calories from candy bars, chips and cookies.
3. Discover fun workouts. If you find the gym boring, think of other ways to exercise. There are plenty of weight loss options in the form of exercise that will get your heart pumping and keep the calories burning. You can go swimming, ride your bike, hike, take a Zumba class, kayak, learn to surf and much more. If you learn to love exercise, you're more likely to stick with a routine. It's important to gravitate toward the activities you love to do. Your chances of continuing to be active are much greater if the activities you choose are activities you love to do. You'll lose weight plus maintain a healthy lifestyle.
These three tips are a great way to get on the right track to weight loss. Take small steps in achieving weight loss. No need to change everything overnight. It's important to gradually change your lifestyle so that you can easily adapt to these new changes. Don't forget to reward yourself from time to time for your hard work. Weight loss doesn't have to be all work and no play.
Margot Rutigliano is a freelance writer as well as the owner of Vita Vie Retreat. She has been a fitness trainer, wellness coach and healthy living adviser since 1999. Vita Vie Retreat is a fitness camp offering healthy lifestyle transformation programs for men and women of all ages and fitness levels. For more information or to contact Ms. Rutigliano, please visit http://www.bvretreat.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Margot_Rutigliano

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