7 Secrets of Weight Loss Success

My readers often tell me that weight loss, in itself, isn't the big battle. You may have noticed that losing weight isn't nearly as difficult as actually keeping it off. It's very easy to regain lost weight after returning to previous lifestyle habits, especially if your diet plan slowed your metabolism.

Often dieters report regaining more weight than they lost on their diet in the first place. To succeed at proper weight management, learning to change lifestyle habits is essential. Those who successfully lose pounds and keep them off are the ones who adapt to a healthier lifestyle that helps maintain a healthy weight after initial weight loss. For those looking for the secrets of weight loss success, it's an excellent idea to look closely at the methods used by those who have lost weight and kept it off for the long-term.

Here is a look at some of the most helpful ideas that can get you on your way to experiencing both short-term and long-term weight loss success.

Secret #1: Passion and Motivation
Research has shown that those who begin their weight loss process with passion and motivation are far more likely to lose weight and keep the pounds off. Losing weight is hard work and can require a deep passion and a lasting motivation to keep you going. Once you become passionate about your body's health, it's easier to stick with a good diet and exercise routine. Carefully examining your motivation can help as well. Some people are motivated by the health benefits that come with weight loss, while others are motivated by wanting to improve their appearance. Find a motivation for losing weight that won't allow you to give up and fuel it with passion to increase your chance of sustained success. Write it down as a reminder and stick it on your refrigerator door and your bathroom mirror.

Secret #2: Calorie and Fat Controlled Diet
Among those who have successfully lost weight and kept it off, a calorie and fat controlled diet is a common habit. To lose weight, substantial and long-term changes to your diet are required. Calories and fat can be controlled by starting to reduce portion sizes, which immediately offers a pain-free way to limit the calories eaten on a regular basis. Adding more nutritious and low calorie fruits and veggies to your diet can also help. Of course, it's important to avoid depriving yourself on a diet as well. Small treats from time to time are fine, as long as you plan those treats and be careful to avoid sabotaging your diet.

Secret #3: Eat Breakfast
Another helpful secret of weight loss success is to eat breakfast. In many studies, those who eat breakfast on a regular basis lose more weight. Eating breakfast helps to get the metabolism going in the morning and can set the tone for the rest of the day. Starting out with a healthy meal for breakfast can help you ensure you make good, healthy choices for the rest of the day. Also, eating breakfast can curb cravings later in the day, especially if you choose a breakfast that includes healthy protein and whole grains that keep you feeling full longer.

Secret #4: Check the Scale on a Regular Basis
Many people don't have the time to weigh themselves every day; but checking the scale on a regular basis can definitely help when you're working to lose weight and keep it off. Even weighing in once a week can bring with it many benefits. Weighing yourself on a regular basis can allow you to easily notice when your weight becomes creeping up. When you notice this, you can begin taking measures to avoid further weight gain. Many people gain weight back after losing it because they don't realize how much they are gaining and they fail to realize the problem until it's too late. Regularly weighing in can help you keep track of any gains and help you get back on track before substantial weight gain occurs.

Secret #5: Exercising Regularly
Dieting alone isn't enough to guarantee weight loss success. Those who successfully lose weight and maintain a healthy weight exercise on a regular basis. In the beginning, you can start out by incorporating a simple 15 minutes of exercise into your life. However, you should focus on increasing your workouts as you get into better shape. It's important to continue challenging your body and to increase your activity to help burn calories and improve health and fitness. Those who exercise for 30-60 minutes a day most days of the week lose weight and win the maintenance battle in the long-run. Work on choosing exercises that you enjoy so you aren't tempted to quit.

Secret #6: Get Beyond Failure
For many working to lose weight, one failure is enough to get them off the path to success. Learning to get beyond setbacks is important if you're going to lose weight and keep it off. If you slip-up and make a mistake, don't keep beating yourself up. Negative feelings will only further sabotage your efforts. Accept that you messed up and then get ready to move on. It's easy to feel so frustrated with a mistake that you throw away your efforts for the day or even for the week, which results in further problems. When you make a mistake, get beyond the problem by reaffirming your motivation and desire to lose weight, as you wrote down in step #1, and quickly get back on track.

Secret #7: Find Helpful Support
Several studies have shown that people who have support are far more likely to succeed in losing weight. Don't underestimate the power of support when you're working to lose weight for good. Going it alone can make weight loss difficult, and a bit of morale support can make a huge difference. With the support of others, you have someone to be accountable to, which keeps you more focused on your goal. You also have someone rooting for you and pushing you to keep going. Many people find that the support of family members or a good friend can keep them going as they pursue weight loss. Others make use of online support or the support of special weight loss groups. Find a good support system that will keep you on track and you'll have backup as you take on this weight loss journey.

These are just a few of the top secrets behind every weight loss success. Begin using these helpful secrets in your own life and you'll quickly begin seeing weight loss results that will last.
Jordan Pete is a research writer and has authored three popular books on weight loss and dieting. Subscribe to her newsletter to get a FREE eBook that will teach you how burn up to 500 extra calories per day, without even exercising. Check it out at http://dietpillsreporter.com/free-offer/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jordan_Pete

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