3 KILLER Fat Loss Mistakes That Will Keep Your Body Fat Percentage High And You Feeling Low!

Do you like dieting and exercising to lower your body fat percentage only to lose a little bit of weight... and STILL HAVE BODY FAT? You don't? Well, there are 3 fat loss mistakes you must either avoid or cease doing immediately if you want to shed inches of fat off and get that lean, toned, and sexy body you deserve!
Okay, let's get right into it...
1. You're not building lean muscle!
It amazes me the amount of people at the gym that go straight for the cardio equipment and are barely doing anything to build lean muscle. Building lean muscle is by far the MOST EFFECTIVE thing you can do to burn off fat! Seriously, it's true! You can burn more fat with resistance training than you can with cardio!
The reason why is because when you build muscle, during your workout, you are burning off fat, and when you workout is finished, YOU ARE STILL BURNING FAT during your resting time as your muscles recover and repair themselves!
Now, please don't get scared here. I'm not saying that you have to go and lift super heavy weights and get gigantic. You simply need to work on building lean muscle.
The best types of muscle building workouts I STRONGLY recommend you do are compound lifts (such as bench presses, squats, dead lifts, etc.). Those types of workouts burn the most fat and most calories.
2. You're not respecting 2 necessities for life!
Water and sleep! Drinking more water everyday will do more for you than some overpriced and dangerous diet pill! If you drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water everyday, you can lose up to 2 pounds of water weight a week, boost your metabolism, flush toxins out of your body, increase energy levels, and more!
Getting more sleep (at least 7 hours) will improve your metabolism, your digestive system, it will help build muscle faster, and you can burn up to 500 calories during a full nights rest!
3. You're sabotaging your metabolism!
Going on fad diets, taking diet pills, skipping breakfast, skipping meals, not getting enough key nutrients in your diet (protein, healthy fat, healthy carbs, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals), and more, will all affect your metabolism negatively.
Simply do the exact opposite and you'll skyrocket your metabolism! Also, I have personally found that going on an effective and easy to follow diet program based heavily around boosting your metabolism with food is by far the best way to drop pounds of body fat lightning fast. This is because PROPER nutrition + a faster metabolism = a KILLER body (low body fat, ideal weight, and toned) lightning fast!
Are you ready to effectively Melt Away Fat LIGHTNING fast with an easy to follow diet program and lose up to 10 pounds in less than 2 weeks?
Then I strongly recommend you learn more about the diet program I used which caused me to drop 52 pounds of fat in just 8 weeks time at >>> www.FatLossIn11Days.info
This program is instantly downloaded straight to your computer and has everything you need (including a customized software program) to get started right away with losing those stubborn pounds of fat.

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