5 Weight Loss Mistakes to Avoid!

Mistake No: 1 (Fail to plan)

Working out without a pre-determined workout is similar to going on a holiday trip without a map or directions: most likely it will take you longer to get anywhere or you will end up getting lost and frustrated along the way. Don't make this mistake; enlist in the aid of a qualified trainer to design a proper training programme. It will be more exciting knowing you will be doing the right exercises for what you want to achieve, saving you time effort and you will see results faster!

Mistake No: 2 (Compare yourself to others)

Go into the gym or when starting out on a new exercising regime, you're sure to see exercisers muscling their way through workouts or doing a particular exercise that looks intriguing. Don't even think about trying to copy them. At the very least you will get discouraged that you cant keep up: at the worst you'll get injured. Learn the correct technique and get expert advice on what exercises are best to suit your level of fitness and your exact requirements!

Mistake No: 3 (Too little exercise)

Contrary to what popular exercise programmes would have us believe, it is simply not enough to put in three or four exercise sessions per week and expect major results. Weight loss and body composition changes are results of lifestyle choices, not just exercise in the gym. There are 168 hours in a week: expecting to lose weight by just spending 1% of our available time being active is unrealistic. Try to be more active outside the gym and make small changes to your daily routine.
Don't be lazy.

This doesn't mean you need to spend your entire day chained to a machine, but make sure that you are active in some fashion every day. In addition to workouts, increase lower level activity by walking or riding a bike to work, chose a parking space furthest away from the shopping stores door, or get out and play with your kids more often. The point is to be active and keep the body in motion on a regular basis.

Mistake No: 4 (Too much exercise)

On the other hand, don't become obsessed with exercise that it begins to rule your life. Over training is as detrimental to achieving your fitness goals as doing nothing at all.

Common signs of over training include overuse injuries, fatigue, prolonged recovery from workouts, and general boredom in the gym. Rest and recovery are vital for achieving fitness gains and promoting health will fundamentally preventing illness.

Mistake No: 5 (Never changing your workout routine)

Nothing is as boring as the same routine over and over again. Not only will you get bored, your muscles will adapt and stop responding in the same way. Change your exercises regularly, starting with the order you do them, the number of sets and reps you perform, and vary the weights. Variety is necessary or progress will stop.

If you are making any of these weight loss mistakes and having trouble losing fat on your waistline. At My Virtual Trainer you get more than an online gym, it's different. You get a personally designed Weight loss workout, targeted to what areas of your body you want to focus on. Weight loss workouts are based on your levels of fitness and medical history. Click on this link and try it out for 1 week completely FREE. Or visit http://www.myvirtualtrainer.tv for more information & top training tips for achieving a firm flat waist.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=B_Davidson

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