Best Exercises to Build Chest Muscles

Aren't you tired of having a chest that is as flat as a textbook?
Look no further than this article. You're about to find out how I turned my typical flat tabled chest to a head-turning bodybuilder worthy chest.
First, it's very important that you understand the mechanics of compound exercises. I use to always work on isolations and it never gave my the results I demanded and wanted. I use to isolate my chest so much that I would have an insane pump. But unfortunately, it never stayed. I shortly found out that the reason behind this was that when you do isolations, you're only working out one specific muscle meanwhile the rest of your body is relaxing. This is definitely a NO NO.
Besides the fact that you're only working one body part, you're not losing enough calories in doing so. In order to get big, you have to eat big. And when you're eating in a caloric surplus, doing an isolation is DEFINITELY not good. The reason for this is because when you're in a caloric surplus and you're doing isolations, you run the risk of not utilizing the extra calories into building a proper symmetrical body.
Compound movements like the bench press, squats, and deadlifts physically demands all of your energy therefore increasing and building more muscle evenly as opposed to isolating your chest.
Now bearing in the mind the information you've just read, you can understand now that the reason why most people never get the chest they want is because they are TOO BUSY DOING ISOLATIONS!
When I figured this out, the first thing I did was drop all of my isolations and literally physically devoted my chest to compound movements. Compound movements like the bench press, dips, and chinups were all I did on my chest days. It might not seem like a lot but, I assure you, my chest day is literally one of my most demanding workout days.
Here is the EXACT regimen I follow to this day:
Warm up:
Bench press: 135x20
Workout Sheet:
  1. Bench press: 185 x 10, 225 x 10, 225 x 5, 225 x 5, 275x 5
  2. Weighted Dips: 45lb plate for a total set number of 10. (Keep in mind, dips should be done to failure.)
  3. Chin ups: Sets of 10 (To failure each time as well)
Notice that in the beginning, I warm up to 135 for a set of 20, I do not believe in utilizing static stretching because of numerous research dictating that it is potentially harmful on your joints. Therefore, I do several dynamic stretching and then warm up with light weight.
It is very important that I note that you do not need to follow my exact weight routine in terms of how much weight I use. You can use whatever weight you please. It's very important to note that on the bench press, you find a weight that will allow you to perform 10 reps for the first two sets.
So let's say you can perform EXACTLY 10 with 185lbs on the bench press, you will do this for two sets. After that, you will find a weight that you can perform only 5 times. So say after 185, you can only perform 225 5 times, you would do it for 3 sets. Rest should be kept to about 30 seconds to a minute.
So in total, You will be doing 5 sets of bench press, the first two sets would be a weight that you can exactly perform 10 reps. The last 3 sets will be a weight that you can perform only 5 times.
The dips should be done to failure each set for a total of 10 sets. Along with chin ups. You might be wondering, why in the world do I need to do chin ups for my chest?!
Why? Because if you keep your hands literally right next to each other where both pinkys are actually touching, you should feel your chest muscles pinching.
If you're doing it correctly, you should feel a pump within your inner chest muscles. The very same muscles that everyone man I know goes to the pec deck flys for.
You should incorporate this exact workout regimen for your chest days for about 6 weeks all the while eating on a caloric surplus.
I would love to hear your results. I guarantee them too.
Mark Anthony Le is the author of over 10 books in the health and fitness industry. He is currently in the process of creating an entire website based on debunking health and fitness scams. You can find his latest work on Kyle Leon's Customized Fat Loss program over at

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