Get Your Spouse or Significant Other to Join You in Efforts to Get in Shape

Having a significant other that you live with, or a person you are together with for much of the week could be the ideal candidate to really kick your weight loss efforts into overdrive. Having another person on the same page, focusing on what will be healthy and beneficial for your lives, will help you both focus on all the decisions throughout the day that must be dealt with. What to eat for breakfast? What's for lunch? Are we going to workout? What are we going to cook for dinner?
However, before tackling these types of questions, you both must agree on your health goals. Granted the goals may not be exactly identical, they should fit in the same category. In other words, maybe a man's (husband's) goal is to lose twenty pounds and become more muscular in the upper body, but the woman's (wife's) goal is to lose fifteen pounds and work on shaping her legs.
As you see, both of these goals fit pretty much in the same category (getting in shape) and both of these goals will require the individuals to focus on eating in a healthier manner and exercising regularly. If you can both make the commitment to strive for weight loss and a improved physique, the task will be much easier because you will both be able to motivate each other.
This can be a touchy subject for some, especially if the person is really self-conscious about their weight and the condition of their body. Therefore if this topic has not already been discussed between the two of you, be a bit careful and cautious when bringing it up. You don't want to offend or insult your partner when all you are trying to do is get both of you striving towards similar health and wellness goals.
You know your partner the best, so determine what would be the ideal way to bring up this subject if the two of you have not discussed it before. Maybe it could be as simple as "Baby, you know I've been wanting to lose 15 pounds and get my legs into better shape, how about for the next month we focus on eating healthier and exercising together a few times a week?"
Try not to get too elaborate with your initial goals and time table. Small successes no matter how insignificant they may seem will combine into larger ones. Therefore your first month's goal could simply be to lose five pounds and exercise three times a week. Focus just on that for the first thirty days. Then the following month your goal could be to lose 8 pounds and workout four times a week. Combining these two months you will have lost 13 pounds and have worked out at least 28 times! Doesn't seem like such small goals when their results are combined right?
Once you both agree on a plan and establish your goals, post them in a visible place where you will both see them on a daily basis. Take it upon yourself to be the leader. The proactive one who instigates action at least when starting out. So your partner can get used to this healthier way of life and sees that you really mean business. You may find that soon your significant other will be the one coming up with ideas for healthy meals and even exercise ideas you may not have thought of before.
Your partner will also come in handy on those days when your energy or motivation may be lacking and you need to be spurned into a workout, or when you need someone else to prepare the meal that day. Even merely just having that person alongside you while jogging around the neighborhood can help with increasing the duration of the workout. Time just seems to pass by quicker when there's someone with you. Another reason why getting your spouse or loved one directly involved with this process can be advantageous.
Use this opportunity to not only get into better shape and improve your health but also have quality bonding time with the person you love. Who knows, maybe a month or two down the road you both will be energetically taking up new sports and activities because you're both enjoying the increased active lifestyle and want to explore what's out there. Have you ever had the desire to learn how to surf, kayak, play tennis, racquetball, roller-blade, wakeboard, mountain bike? There are fantastic options you can start learning how to do when you are ready. Use this new found commitment to start learning what you've always dreamed of doing and at the same time lose weight and get in the best shape of your life right alongside your significant other.
Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, has been teaching 5th grade in the LAUSD for 12 years and has now embarked on a journey to lose weight, eat healthier, and finally get in shape! Follow his progress on as he strives to lose 60 pounds through dedicated exercise and healthy eating. Plus get a FREE monthly Healthy Choices Newsletter along with a FREE 18 page weight loss guide at

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