How Do You Know If Your Diet Is Working?

In most instances, when people go on diets, they do so because they read something awesome about a new fad, or they had a friend who swore by it, or maybe they just want a change of lifestyle. Either way, venturing out and committing to a new "nutrition" program may be the solution to sometimes lifelong weight issues. Or then again, maybe it won't be.
How can you tell whether your diet is working though? Is it more than simply looking at the scale? Of course it is. There are many 48 hour diets out there that claim you can lose up to 10 pounds in a couple of days, but is that really healthy? You may look at the scale and see that it has moved several notches to the left. Most would probably bet that the "weight" you lost was not fat, but simply water weight. Regardless, "Woo Hoo!" Awesome, you say. But was the path to get to your goal worth it in the end? How do you know?
It's never really about saying that this diet program is better than that diet program. Having a vegan try to convince a paleo-devotee that meat is horrible for your body may be like trying to move a 100-pound boulder up a hill. You may be able to do it, but it may become too tiresome in the process. Is there a way where they both could be on the same page and say that maybe both diets are working?
Rather than look at societal or emotional issues associated with a specific diet, it is important to look at the internal health of an individual while on that diet. Is there something a person could use to help determine the internal health while on a diet? There is, and it can be found in the bathroom cabinet. This one tool, one-resource available to everyone regardless of lifestyle can help to determine how healthy a diet is working for you. What is it? What can tell you if you are on the right track? The answer is in a good old trusty thermometer.
A thermometer is much more than determining whether you have a fever when you are sick. When used in conjunction with a diet and nutrition program, you can determine really how efficiently your body is running on this new "diet." Most people would believe that, outside of being sick, the body would consistently be at 98.6 degrees. For a majority of people, this is the farthest thing from being the norm, and the likelihood that it would be below 98 is commonplace.
What is that telling you? If you are not "sick", a lower body temperature is yelling that the body is slowing down and is having a difficult time processing something you ingested or a physiological function has caused a minor slowdown. This can generally be traced back to digestion. If you are eating 3 meals a day, your body is digesting that food 24 hours a day. This means that your body spends most of its time digesting foods.
So if you want to know how that new diet is stacking up within your body, take your body temperature. I would bet it's probably not where you think it should or would be. If it's not, you may want to look at finding out which foods will help your body run more smoothly on the inside. Just like a car, in order to have it running optimally, you probably should put in the cleanest time of fuel. And the way you determine the quality of the gas is by finding out how far you can go on that tank of fuel.
Jared Toay, aka. the "Digestion Dude" has actively been promoting the importance of health and digestion for more than 4 years. A weight loss expert, Certified Nutritional Specialist, creator of Be A Fitness Freak, and founder and Chief Zymology Officer of ALive Soda, he has had a lengthy journey on his way to healthy living. An accomplished author and speaker, he would love to send you an eBook focusing on digestion and nutrition at or join him on his "Be A Fitness Freak" fanpage on Facebook, to learn about his revolutionary Focus On Foods wellness program.

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