How I Lost 30 Pounds In 3 Months

Did I get your attention? Well it's 100% correct. My toddler came into this world in 2010 and when I got home from the hospital and stepped on a scale I weighed... 161 lbs. Yikes. I'd added 26 lbs and acquired an exciting new quest: pre-pregnancy body weight AND pre-pregnancy body. Within the next 3 months I not just hit my mission but I went far above it. In 3 months I shed 30 lbs. So far (26 months later) I've lost exactly 40 lbs and I'm in reality in greater shape than I was just before my being pregnant.
I was 100 % one of those people who would go to the gym and does the same thing each and every time. Newsflash: not effective. Your muscles get use to the program and it gets less and less effective. Listed below are the secrets of my weight-loss, and how I've kept it off for beyond 2 years!
1.) Healthy eating plan
It's true. Especially as a new mother I was trying Very Hard to have perfect nutrition, but the fact is it's way easier in theory. I turned to a nutrition strategy which fit in my financial budget. For $5 a meal I was getting all of the vitamins, minerals and total nutrition I needed not merely for myself, but also for my little one. I exchanged 2 meals per day for 3 months (until I hit my weight-loss ambition). After that (and still to this day) I exchange one meal a day- it's a nutritious and easy breakfast.
2.) Exercise
Initially when I first returned to physical exercise after my emergency c-section, I began with Jillian Michael's "30 day shred". It consists of 3 several levels with assorted workout routines, so I was able to ease myself in, and if I was feeling worse one day than the next, I was able to just change the level I was on by a push of the DVD control!
This DVD worked for me for a couple weeks, but I hit that plateau (I Detest that plateau!) Consequently it was time to move on. The key is mixing cardio with strength training and doing new moves every day. Not only will you improve your physique, but you'll be a better overall athlete, have better posture, a higher metabolism, you'll sleep better the list goes on and on.
If you get to a gym- you can also talk to a trainer about introducing new moves, etc. Even classes like Zumba or Body Pump, unless they really are altering the moves for each class, the truth is you do the same exercises usually for a month before there is a new release and you change the workout. When you're doing similar exercises, you're affecting your muscles the same way every time and your exercise routines turn out to be less and less successful.
3.) Outlook
You need the best head space, not just for shedding pounds, but for surviving in a good way. How you cope with stress, anxiety, financial burdens, etc all affect your sleep routines, your dietary habits and how you communicate with other people. I really like Zig Ziglar and Dani Johnson for taking care of my "positive mindset".
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." -Zig Ziglar
If you'd like more information about women's weight loss and easy healthy ways to lose weight, visit:

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