3 Great Superfoods That Will Super-charge Your Immune System

By Arron Foney

The most important thing you can do to maintain your health is to keep your immune system healthy. Of course, this is no secret. It's the reason you strive to protect your body from germs. You keep your hands clean. Hand sanitizers are popular and you use them when necessary. You stay away from people who are sick and take vitamin supplements like they are going out of style. What if you could eat some immune-strengthening superfoods to keep your immune system healthy? What foods would be immune system superfoods? We'll discuss three great superfoods that you can start eating right now to boost your immune system.

Have you tried wheat germ? It is an immune-boosting superfood. Zinc is one of the nutrients in wheat germ.

There are many types of T Cells, which are activated by zinc. T-cells are important because they help keep the immune system strong. You can get more zinc in your diet than the daily recommended amount just by eating 100 grams of wheat germ a day. This will give you a whopping 17 milligrams of zinc. Wheat germ is so versatile, it can be added to a wide variety of foods. If you just make a habit of sprinkling some wheat germ on your food, you will find it easy to get enough each day. The taste of wheat germ is subtle and won't take away from the dishes you combine it with.

Another herb that is a great immune-booster is Echinacea. Echinacea isn't really something you cook with or eat, so maybe it shouldn't be called a superfood, but it is a superherb that can power-up your immune system fast. Typically this herb is taken as a supplement when cold and flu symptoms first start to set in. Do not try to chew on the plant itself though. While almost the whole plant is typically ground up for the capsules you take, it is not actually an edible plant. Eating raw Echinacea is not a good idea because it can upset your system by causing nausea and bloating.

A delicious way to boost your immune system is to eat baked sweet potatoes - a great superfood. Beta-carotene is the nutrient that sweet potatoes provide. Its usefulness in strengthening and protecting your immune system has been documented. You can also find beta-carotene in other veggies - such as carrots - but the sweet potato is at the top of the list of versatility in how you can use it. Mashed, baked, or included in other foods, you won't find a superfood as flavorful as the sweet potato. It's easy to make french fries with sweet potatoes. Peel them and cut them into 1/4 strips, just like regular french fries, and fry them until they are golden and crispy. Baked sweet potatoes are versatile, also. The insides can be scooped out and mashed for a delicious side dish. You won't have a problem finding recipes to use for cooking sweet potatoes. If you check online, you will come up with hundreds. We all want to be as healthy as possible. We know that the best way to do this is to eat a balanced diet, get enough exercise, and drink plenty of fluids. So how do we decide which healthy foods we should eat to maintain a balanced diet that will enhance our health? The guidelines are a first step, but we need more information. The term superfoods is relatively new and it describes foods that have properties that help keep your health optimized, and your immune system operating at peak performance. In this article we have talked about a few of the superfoods that you should work into your diet. With a little bit of research you can come up with others that will give you the variety you crave in your diet.

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