3 Great Superfoods to Boost Your Immune System

By Marvin Zachry

Nobody likes to get sick. Most of us take measures to protect our bodies from catching a virus and ending up with influenza or a bad cold. If you find yourself around someone who has the sniffles, no doubt you will go to great lengths to stay as far away from that person as you can. A lot of places you visit will now have a pump-bottle of hand sanitizer on the counter for visitors to use. I've seen this frequently at doctors offices and even grocery stores. Do you take some dietary supplements each day? If so, you are among the many who purchase mega amounts of these supplements. Each day, in newspapers, magazines, and on the internet, you can find countless reports and articles on steps you can take to keep your health intact. The problem is that we aren't always aware of the best superfoods to eat for boosting our immune system so we stay healthy. All we've been taught is to eat a healthy diet that is balanced in all the food groups. If you want to build a strong immune system - and who doesn't? - include the following superfoods in your menu each week.

But what if it is cold and flu season? Are the people at your workplace or school coming down with colds? Are you trying to avoid them so you don't get sick? Knowing how to boost your immune system is very important when situations like these crop up. Here are some foods you can eat to do just that.

Kale is great for your immune system, but it should be eaten raw. Raw kale is one of the very best forms of vitamin C that you can find. It's also low in sugar and high in fiber - both advantageous to your health. Raw kale is quite a lot better for you than cooked kale, because the cooking of the kale reduces the amount of vitamin C that you take in.

One great product for boosting your immune system, as well as adding needed fluids, vitamins, and minerals to your body, is vegetable juice. The commercials for V-8 Juice always stressed the health benefits of drinking vegetable juices and its benefits for our health. Those commercials knew what they were talking about. There are other options, however, than V-8 Juice. Many folks have bought a juicer and make their own juices. They like the control this gives them over which ingredients to include and the final flavor. There are other benefits to drinking vegetable juice besides its benefits to your immune system. Juices are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fluids that help you maintain your health.

There are many benefits to be had from eating the superfood salmon, but one of the most important advantages is its ability to strengthen your immune system. Salmon is full of protein and the omega-3 fatty acids that your body needs for optimum health. Protein is the building blocks of your muscles. It helps your body fight disease and strengthens the musculature of your body. Omega-6s bring germs and bacteria to our bodies that cause illness. Omega-3s protect us from them. A good goal to shoot for is to consume salmon twice each week. It's best if you can eat salmon three times a week, but you might find it difficult to include it in your meal plan that often. Try having it for lunch sometimes or, if you truly cannot manage three meals of salmon, stick to twice per week.

You will find that many foods are available to you that can be called immune system superfoods. You know that you need to eat a healthy and balanced diet anyway, why not choose the foods that help your immune system stay healthy at the same time?

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