What Do You Need To Do To Lose Weight?

By Russ Howe-P.t.i.

If you ask most people for their top question in the gym there is little doubt what it would be. Most of us want to know how to lose weight both quickly and effectively. Despite the huge leaps forward we have made in scientific research and sports supplements, most people remain lost with their diet.

Many people get lost in the sea of information surrounding how to diet and, as a result of all the conflicting information out there, they never fully commit to their quest to drop some unwanted pounds.

We have become so used to this mass confusion that we would now rather spend time looking for expensive, complex solutions when the truth is the old basics still work the best.

The steps we will explain here today are not for purchase, they are free. They're backed up with years of scientific research so you know they work and you may well be surprised by their simplicity.

Here are the three fundamental rules to a good diet.

* You must know where to get your calories from.

* Your diet needs to be combined with some form of regular exercise activity.

* Half of the battle against the bulge is just learning how to avoid temptation.

Most people have no idea how much to eat. In order to consume the right amount of calories per day simply take your goal body weight in pounds and multiply by twelve.

Too many diets go wrong due to the fact that the person cuts their total calorie intake too drastically and therefore cannot lose any weight because their body is hanging onto fat.

The most important step in your diet is splitting your calories between protein, fat and carbohydrates. Despite popular belief, you should never cut one of these nutrients out of your diet and if you do it'll only cause a negative outcome. A great split for your calories is 40% from carbohydrate sources, 20% from fats and 40% from protein rich foods.

When it comes to exercise you will be pleased to hear that the gym has evolved since the days of prescribing massive cardiovascular exercise sessions on the treadmill. Science now knows that shorter, high intensity exercise sessions will help you to burn more calories and will take less time to complete.

Furthermore, do not be afraid to use weights. This one applies mainly to women, many of whom still subscribe to the old myth that weights will only make you muscular. Think about that for a moment. If it were really true, then every man you saw at the gym would look like Sylvester Stallone! Weights will help you to burn even more calories as well as tone your muscles.

The third rule teaches you how to avoid temptation. We all love snacks and one of the hardest times to resist the vending machine is while at work. If you haven't got any food prepared it can seem almost impossible. Here's a fact for you. Protein has far less impact on fat storage than either carbohydrates or fats.

Feel free to make up a few protein rich snacks for your day of work. This will help you to stay away from the vending machine and continue getting results even when you're not in the gym.

As you can see, the confusion surrounding how to lose weight easily clears when you look at the proven principles. Most of the fitness industry suffers from this issue, ask anybody how to build muscle at your local gym and you'll get similarly mixed answers. Now that you know these three principles you are well on your way to success.

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