Which Muscle Building Supplements To Stack With Whey Protein

By Russ Howe

If supplements confuse you then don't worry, you are certainly not alone. Despite the many people at your gym who you may think are miles ahead of you in terms of their fitness knowledge, recent studies show that most people who train at gyms have no idea which supplements to use in order to reach their physical goals. Learning how to build muscle is an often needlessly over-complicated affair.

Most folks are able to pick up a whey protein product, but when they look to add other supplements alongside it to increase their results they come unstuck in a sea of misinformation and sales pitches from companies vying for their hard earned money.

Today is about learning the foundations. You'll discover what works best alongside whey when it comes to building lean tissue.

While every new item to go on sale in the health and fitness or nutrition industry will happily tell you that it is the greatest invention since the gym itself, the fact is more and more products are being released which have no actual scientific proof behind them to back up their claims. The things on today's list are established and proven.

1. The Monohydrate form of Creatine.

2. Glutamine.

3. Branched Chain Amino Acids.

If you were able to increase your body's ability to perform high intensity, explosive activities would you do it? That's exactly what products such as Creatine are designed to help you do. That's right, despite the huge hype and many myths surrounding this substance, that is literally the bottom line of what it is designed to help you achieve.

It's a relatively old product which first sprung to the attention of coaches around the world during the Barcelona Olympics in 1992 when it was utilized by the coaches of short distance sprinters. It didn't take long for bodybuilders and other fitness enthusiasts to realize that they could apply the benefits of this product to their workout sessions in order to help themselves lift more weight.

Creatine has many different forms. New formulas are developed and released every single day so it can become hard to tell the difference and establish which ones are the most effective. Believe it or not, if you want to go with the formula which has the most scientific weight behind it you'd actually need to go back to the original product, which is monohydrate. Despite being over 20 years old, the research behind monohydrate defeats any of it's younger rivals.

If you have been training in the gym regularly you will already understand the importance of the recovery period following every workout. Your muscles do not grow while you lift weights, it happens while you let them rest and sleep. The best product on the market to take advantage of this period is glutamine.

Primarily this is designed to increase your body's immune system and prevent you from falling ill so easily. If you are training hard regularly you will be more at risk of contracting minor colds and flu's so this comes in very handy here. It also increases your body's release of growth hormone, too.

Amino Acids round out today's list and they are an often misunderstood supplement. If you are looking into the possibility of using a BCAA product you can certainly get great results if you know how to utilize them effectively. BCAA's provide the body with a greater dosage of all the essential and non-essential amino acids than you would get if you were to use whey protein alone. In doing this, you help your body to build muscle more effectively. BCAA's work very well when taken after a hard session.

The three gems on today's list will sit nicely alongside a regular intake of whey protein. If you were previously unsure of which supplements to take you now have a good starting block of facts to help you move closer to achieving the type of physique you would be proud to own.

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