Facial Skin Repair Can Be Done Naturally With A Healthy Diet

By Essie Craft

The face is exposed to many more potentially harmful environmental influences than the rest of the body, which explains why it is often the first place to show signs of aging. A daily dose of UV rays, acne, and other factors can all lead to skin damage. Fortunately many of these problems can be effectively eliminated with a diet-based facial skin repair plan. By increasing one's intake of some essential nutrients the complexion can improve.

Unless the damage is extensive and requires medical attention, it can often be restored to health by stimulating the natural healing potential through nutritional support. The most important nutrients for a great complexion are vitamins E, C, A, and B. These vitamins help repair cells and also prevent future damage. It's also essential to have enough selenium, zinc, silica, and omega-3 fatty acids in the diet.

Eating a variety of nutritious foods and drinking enough water plays a major role in keeping the complexion healthy, but there are also other steps which should be taken. A through skincare program is important as well. The face needs daily cleansing and moisturizing, and the occasional application of an exfoliating scrub. Smoking and drinking alcohol are best avoided and one should be sure to get enough exercise.

Overactive sebaceous glands in the facial area can result in clogged pores and the development of acne. This increased oil production is often the result of hormones and is commonly seen in teens but may occur in adults as well. Eating a diet which includes foods rich in vitamin A and zinc can help as the former slows oil production and the latter reduces bacteria on the face.

The positive effects of vitamin A are many. It not only reduces sebaceous secretions but also maintains the right moisture balance in the epidermis, helps fight infection, aids in the repair of damaged tissues, and neutralizes free radicals which may have a detrimental affect on the complexion. The best way to ensure a proper intake of this vitamin is by eating foods such as bananas, dark greens, dark orange or yellow fruits and vegetables, and organ meats.

It's also important to eat plenty of foods that are rich in vitamin C such as pineapple, strawberries, citrus fruits, cabbage, and bell peppers. If they are not cooked, one will get even more of this vitamin which naturally protects the skin from pollution and sun, and boosts the production of collagen which can lessen the appearance of wrinkles and sagging.

Vitamin E also does wonders for the complexion in a multitude of ways. It eases inflammation, lubricate cells, promotes regeneration of new cells, and has powerful antioxidant properties. Credited for keeping the complexion soft and supple, it can also be applied to the face topically and is ideal for those suffering from dryness. Foods that contain this vitamin include cabbage, spinach, almonds, sunflower seeds, avocados, prunes, and peaches.

The B-complex vitamins also contribute much to facial skin repair. Vitamin B3 or niacin is especially helpful in that it helps the epidermal cells retain moisture and fight signs of aging. Furthermore, it improves the immunity and circulation and can reduce the chances of acne developing. It is found in black beans, chicken, and tuna.

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