The Vital Role Played By Dieting In Hypertrophy

By Arnold Sylvester

If you were told most men in your local gym, even the ones in fairly good shape, have no idea how to build muscle you would probably think it was utter nonsense. However, due to the widespread number of gimmicks and false advertising on supplements and new products, this is exactly the case. New items are released every day offering quicker, easier, autopilot results...

But they usually all have one thing in common - none of them have actually returned any results for you yet.

Yet, despite every product claiming to be the best thing ever developed, the fundamental rules to hypertrophy remain unchanged from 30 years ago. Applying these age old rules will yield more results than any fly-by-night product claiming instant success, and that is guaranteed.

The rule which will be explained today is one that is continuously neglected - your eating habits.

Too many men around the globe are trying to build a great body without paying attention to the food that they eat. You can work as hard as you want in the gym, but the battle really begins at home when you are tasked with supplying your muscles with quality nutrition.

Why does generation after generation continue to make this one mistake?

The undeniable reality for most men is that ego takes over and tell them that diets are for weight loss. But if you want to learn how to get lean fast or how to gain more strength on your biggest lifts in the gym, this is a big mistake to make...

The word diet simply means a summary of your regular eating habits. It has nothing to do with your fitness goal. If you fail to supply your body with the nutrition it requires to build, it will not build. It really is that simple in the long run.

You can do this by taking care of the three major macronutrients:

1) 1.5 grams of protein per pound of your body weight.

For every pound that your body weighs, consuming 1.5 grams of lean protein in the form of chicken, eggs, nuts, fish and whey supplements has been shown to be hugely effective in aiding muscular hypertrophy. Most men are using protein drinks but getting nowhere near enough protein overall.

2) Get on top of your carbohydrate intake if you want to succeed.

Carbohydrates are the nutrient which we can play with in order to find our optimal consumption. For most guys the problem doesn't lie in getting enough carbs, it lies in getting them from the correct sources.

Complex carbohydrates such as brown rice and oats should be top staples in your diet.

Try to begin a healthy diet by eating about 1.5 grams of carbs for each pound your body currently weighs. If you find you are adding body fat, lower this amount in the coming weeks until you hit the sweet spot. Likewise, you can increase it if you are not seeing any gains.

3) Sort out your fat intake to find the missing key.

Your fat intake is the key to your overall success. Healthy fats have been scientifically proven to increase both hypertrophy and fat burning effects. Do not skimp on vital nutrients found in fish, vitamins and cooking oils.

Try eating around half a gram of fat, most of which are healthy fats, per pound of your current overall weight.

If you can take care of the three problem areas above, you will separate yourself from the chasing pack in your local fitness center and begin packing on lean size in next to no time at all. The next time somebody quizzes you on how to build muscle, they may even be shocked to hear you recommend proven, simple changes to the diet rather than blowing your monthly budget on the latest supplements and workout gear.

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