Why A Weight Loss Coach

By Aurelie Appasamy

Do you enthusiastically start a new diet to get off it only a few days later? Do you follow a diet perfectly then go overboard and over indulge on the weekend and undo all your hard work that way? Do you have a personal trainer or a nutritionist who have laid out a perfect exercise and nutrition plan for you but you just cannot stick to those programs. Do you spend hours at the gym only to undo all your hard work by overeating or drinking? Is your weight loss journey just a constant battle despite the help from a personal trainer or nutritionist? What If I told you that you are only one step away from success. All you have to do is stop the self-sabotage? You are getting professional help from a personal trainer and nutritionist and congratulations for stepping up, now you need one more thing and that is to take care of your mindset and do some work on yourself. Aurelie is a weight loss coach and assisting people in overcoming self-sabotage is what she does best. She is trained in Neuro Linguistic Programming a technique commonly used to foster personal development and facilitate change.

What seems to be the common approach of the conventional weight loss industry are the exercise and eating plans. While exercise and nutrition are certainly essential components of weight loss, those alone aren't enough. There is indeed a more important component to weight loss which is the mindset. I am sure that you would agree with me, that despite all the knowledge on fitness and diets, without the right mind frame, you will keep struggling. Ain't am right here? Here's the thing about mind frame. It is not enough to try and stay positive all the time. Even staying positive is a struggle in itself. Adopting a mindset for success isn't that simple, it requires time , effort and the help from a trained mindset specialist such as Aurelie Appasamy. Aurelie will help you gain better understanding of your own behavior, your decision making strategies and your patterns and will also help you overcome any mental obstacles that gets in your way.

A weight loss coach takes a rather holistic approach to weight loss. We are holistic individuals.

This means that if you feel unfulfilled in an area of your life, it will impact on other areas of your life as well. I am sure that right now you not being fulfilled in your health and body image is also probably affecting other areas of your life, perhaps your relationships, perhaps it's affecting your confidence which in turn is impacting on your career, your finances, your friendships and a whole lot of other things. And if you are not fulfilled in your health then chances are there are other things in other areas of your life that are impacting on your health and that's where everything is stemming from. A life coach helps you examine and look at various areas of your life to identify where the cause of your weight is stemming from and help you deal with that. As a result it's not only with your health that you see improvement but also in many other areas of your life. A life coach can help you achieve much more fulfilment in life.

A weight loss coach is results and outcome oriented. The aim of life coaching is to assist a client set goals that will bring them closer to their desired outcomes and eliminate barriers such as self-sabotage and fears. This is the difference between a motivational weight loss coach and other weight loss professionals which tend to act as adviser and tell you what to do. A weight loss coach assist you to set your own goals rather than telling you what to do. There is also major differences between coaching and therapy. Coaching isn't therapy or counseling. Therapy or counseling focus on past events and focus on finding answers or solutions from the past. Not much focus is placed on goal setting in therapy or counseling with very little orientation towards outcomes. Whereas coaching is very much goal, outcome and results oriented. Life coaching is designed to empower you to take action and is indeed one of the best ways to foster personal development and enhance performance.

A weight loss coach such as Aurelie Appasamy is also compassionate. Compassion comes from understanding a behaviour without judgement. A fantastic life coach is extremely compassionate because she understand and is trained in human behaviour. This is something that many weight loss professionals lack as they lack the ability to dig deeper into human behaviour. Tell me does your personal trainer really understands why you self-sabotage? Does he or she really understands why you don't stick to your eating plan? Why you have those cravings or eat emotionally? The problem is when we are unable to comprehend something, we make assumptions and there are some very common assumptions made in the fitness industry. For instance, if you aren't able to stick to a program, you must lack will power, if you lack motivation to exercise then you must be lazy, if you are overweight then you must be disorganized. These are all common misconceptions and assumptions made which of course isn't true. There is a lot more behind the scenes and a weight loss coach trained in human behaviour knows this. A coaching environment is a safe and judgement free zone, where you can explore freely without being judged and where you do not need to be afraid of making mistakes.

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