Liquid Diet Plan Review

By Susan Field

The team at the 'the liquid diet plan' lead by the top nutrition and fitness expert Michael Goodman have created an innovative new kind of diet.

If you have ever struggled to lose weight and want a new approach then this 'meal replacement' diet plan is free to use and has a number of beneficial features that you might like.

Why this diet works were others fail?

The conventional wisdom of a meal replacement diet is one that takes over completely meaning you just consume all liquid calories.

The slimming type diets I mean are based around consuming sachets of mixed formula, they are generally made from poor quality vitamin supplements milk powder and artificial colours and sweeteners.

In the traditional liquid diet, the drinks would contain significantly fewer calories than you would consume eating normally.

Any one of these systems that sells you a product that you add milk too can only work to help you cut calories, and will often leave you feeling hungry. The worst thing about them for me is that after the initial 2 weeks of sachets my food cravings were much worse.

Does this sound familiar? Many of these diets fail you because you become continually hungry and it is impossible to continue starving the body indefinitely.

We now know that we would in fact be better off drinking 8 pints of milk per day for a week than wasting $75 on powder that makes you gain more weight than you initially lose.

We now know that we would in fact be better off drinking 8 pints of milk per day for a week than wasting $75 on powder that makes you gain more weight than you initially lose.

So if you are looking for a refreshing change, look at this new diet plan.

Firstly the way this liquid diet works does NOT use starvation or fasting of any kind.

If you want to feed the skinny you, the one on the inside then this high quality nutrition plan will fuel your desire for more.

Let me explain how it works. Hunger signals are not generated by lack of calories alone. Most experts now agree that the body 'craves' nutrition and needs certain foods too.

How come I sometimes over eat even when I feel full? This is because you have only satisfied the need for fuel (calories) but not the need for the high-quality 'nutrients' you need to thrive. Your body simply goes on looking for more food to fill the missing gaps.

To recap, hunger has two major components, not one. Both of these important biological need to be fed in order for any weight loss to be possible.

Weight-loss can only be successful if we feed the whole body and are fully satisfied and our needs are met completely.

The really clever part is that to some extent the body prefers nutritional satisfaction over calorie satisfaction.

Feed nutritional needs fist calories second

So by consuming optimised recipes that are designed to stop food cravings and make you feel satisfied you can eat less quantity (total calories) and easily lose weight.

Next steps

Leave the slimmer diets in the rear view mirror and upgrade your body with brand new easy to prepare recipes from Michael's team at the liquid diet plan.

Michael offers a FREE 101 liquid diet blueprint to get you started. Jump right in for free today.

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