Limit Liabilities With Help Of Mobile Drug Testing Companies In Brownwood TX

By Minnie Whitley

Employers may want to test workers who perform safety-sensitive duties such as operating machines or driving company vehicles. If an employer suspects some employees to be using drugs, then tests may be ordered. With the mobile drug testing companies in Brownwood TX, they help reduce liabilities. Businesses need to engage in practices that prevent the use of drugs within workplace.

The workers could involve themselves in mischievous activities that interfere with the results. They may collude with the technicians in the laboratories to have the results altered or they may take substances that cleanse the body of toxins. This is likely to give false results which affect the decision making process.

If employers continue to retain workers who use drugs, the problems may become worse. Those employees may influence others to indulge in drugs. They could also continue causing accidents within workplace thus the business suffers more liabilities. Accidents occurring within a workplace may taint the image of a business.

The increased financial burden due to lawsuits and compensations could cripple down the finances of a company. Moreover, the business may be subjected to increased insurance premium rates because of the increasing accidents. Insurance companies do not want to incur losses, and when they discover that a particular company is recording many accidents and lawsuits for compensations, the cost is passed to the employers.

With help of these mobile tests units, employers are placed in a better position to know those who might be using drugs in workplace. Moreover, workers who use illegal substances in workplace do not perform as expected. While businesses hope that workers will translate their efforts, time, willpower, knowledge, and talents into results, on the other hand, this goals may not be realized if the same workers are indulging in drugs use.

While an average collection procedure will only need less than 15 minutes, the other time is actually spend travelling to the facility and back to the workplace. Further, while at the laboratory facilities, workers will wait for their turn. Another thing, which business owners need to consider is, productivity. Drugs affect the productivity of workers.

Employees who use these drugs risk being involved in work related accidents. If an employee operates a machine or drives a company car while intoxicated with alcohol or other drugs substances, this could lead to accidents. Personal injuries in workplace bring about increased costs through compensations. If one or more employees harm themselves or other workers, the employer meets the cost of damage caused. Similarly, if the workers cause damage on property of other people, the company is held responsible.

At times, workers can tamper with the results. The majority of cheating occurs when employees leave the workplace. The aspect of meddling with results can occur somewhere on the way before reaching the lab facilities. What workers are likely to do is take substances, which cleanse the body of the drugs. These substances are readily available in drugs stores. In addition, workers could collude with technicians at the lab facilities to have the resulted changed.

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