Enhance Safety In Workplace With Mobile Drug Testing Technicians

By Sharron Cantu

Employers need to screen employees of drugs occasionally to detect those who may be using them. The issues of drugs in workplace cannot be given a blind eye. It is real and happening, and unless employers take proactive measures, they could find themselves in troubles. With help of mobile drug testing technicians, employees are screened within workplace to detect if they use drugs.

Drugs affect the ability of workers to perform their duties safely. Since employers are mandated to promote safety in workplaces, if they do not take the right measures to curb the problem of drugs, they are left to blame for the repercussions. Drugs will impair the ability of worker to make judgments when they are driving, operating machines, or doing their work.

It not only makes the workplace unsafe but also brings about other set of challenges to both the employees and workers. Employees on one hand suffer when some are using drugs. The drug users could cause accidents that injure them or other employees. Accidents can turn around the life of employees if they are severe.

You can image a situation where an employee sustains a brain or spinal cord injury, which requires lifetime treatment and possible change of career. Accidents could also cause death among workers. On the other hand, employers also suffer from the use of these substances. Accidents occurring within workplace due to reckless actions of employees working under the influence of drugs could mean very costly lawsuits.

Because drugs are associated with accidents in workplace, if there are workers abusing the substances, they risk the companies being targeted for inspection by OSHA official. A knock on the door by the official could mean a lot of consequences in terms of fines and possible lawsuits. A company may be penalized for not taking appropriate measures to put in place safety and health programs that safeguard workers.

Companies that do not screen their employees end up including a lot of costs. The reputation of those companies is also tainted in public something that could lead to loss of business and customers. The mobile technicians visit business premises with the necessary equipments and conduct the tests. Workers do not have to travel to laboratory facilities or hospitals to be tested. Employers have realized that many things happen when workers are sent to laboratory facilities to be tested.

At times, they indulge in cheating in order to have the results altered to read different from the actual test. Workers may use substances that cleanse the body in a bid to remove drugs from body. What this means is that after the tests, the results will not show presence of substances in body. Such false results could implicate negatively on employers. Workers who use substances may not be detected and they will continue to work in the company.

At the end of the month, workers are paid those hours they spend travelling for tests. An in-house test would mean that workers do not have to spend all those hours going for tests because it only requires about 15 minutes for every worker to be tested. A lot of time could be saved when technicians come to your business premises.

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