Vertigo Treatment In Toronto Helps Reduce Symptoms

By Lucia Weeks

Most small children enjoy twirling around until they feel a momentary giddiness and loss of balance. They are experimenting with disrupting the normal sensory input that governs physical orientation, and find the new sensations exciting and different. Vertigo takes that normal dizziness to unpleasant extremes, creating the feeling that an individual or the environment is uncontrollably spinning. Vertigo treatment in Toronto, ON helps victims find relief.

When not intentionally created, dizziness is unpleasant and dangerous. It is one of the chief contributors to falls resulting in short-term injury and long-lasting disability in the elderly population. Even though dizzy spells are not specifically confined to that age group, a combination of physical aging issues along with the effects of commonly prescribed medications can make the symptoms more severe.

The primary cause is often a disease or drug that alters how the inner ear functions. The human brain maintains balance by relying on information produced and transmitted by the eyes, muscles, joints, and soles of the feet, as well as the inner ear, which hosts an important fluid-filled structure called a labyrinth. When the liquid it contains shifts due to a change of actual physical position, the brain recognizes and accommodates that movement.

If those signals somehow become distorted, they eyes may begin moving back and forth in a simulation of motion, resulting in an extremely unpleasant feeling of uncontrollable dizziness. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, also known as BPPV, is a common form whose signs include detrimental calcium clumps deposited within the inner ear. It is not restricted to a particular age group.

Another common cause is Meniere's disease, characterized by extreme dizziness and general hearing loss. It causes a buildup of fluids within the ear, and the associated tinnitus may produce a constant sensation of underlying noise, and in some cases longer-term problems. Some people suffer from viral infections that encourage inflammation around inner ear structures, triggering subsequent balance problems.

A history of neck or head injuries, a stroke, or even serious migraine headaches can trigger an episode. During that time patients may become nauseated or experience profuse sweating. They may not be able to hear or comprehend normal speech, and sometimes show other signs of disorientation. While these symptoms may be unpredictable, they can last for hours. Fighting them effectively requires identifying and altering the underlying issues.

A treatment termed vestibular rehabilitation is designed to compensate for incorrect sensory information. It can be effective for those who have ongoing issues by intentionally circumventing the normal physical responses to movement. Patients find relief through individual training that creates specific body and head motions proven effective in dislodging calcium deposits, and which can be easily learned.

Nausea can be reduced by certain medications that relieve motion sickness, and inflammation reduced by steroid or antibiotic use. In the most severe cases, surgery may be required. Although an attack may pass, repeated incidents should not be ignored. Although many cases resolve on their own, the potential for further injury and deterioration makes medical attention not only advisable, but essential.

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