How Lifestyle Menopause And Slow Metabolism Cause High Body Calories

By Toni Vang

Different facts and myths come as to why people gain weight and other do not. Menopause and slow metabolism stages such as during and after pregnancy are some of biologically proved period that women tend to escalate their weights. Men are not left behind in this healthy concerning condition but Statistics show that more females than men are worse hit.

In the early days it was it was a rare to come by chubby people but of late the case proves totally different. From the tender age cases of obesity are being reported and this is mainly attributed to the unhealthy lifestyle humans are living. This doesn't leave out the financially unprivileged part of society a misconception that many people have.

Life threatening conditions such as heart problems, diabetes, and high blood pressure are the most common diseases linked to over weights. Not only does this conditions prove fatal but they reduce the experienced personnel in the society as life expectancy comes down. Governments and NGOs have pooled finances to cater for clinical research and experiment in order to eliminate this reduce this problems.

In humans, the female species feels more heat from plus body size. This goes to the length of affecting their egos. From the young children to the working class, those who find themselves with more than average pounds are looked down upon and if they don't get support of guidance some opt to end their lives. This have seen this group of plus size tailing in academics and report poor performance in their jobs as they feel dejected.

Its crystal clear that this is condition is not trivial but solutions are available to those who are in it and the group that is intending to avoid it. Food intake is a major cause to this overweight and thus professional advice that it's crucial to have a proportional intake that is well balanced in diet. However this doesn't mean starvation which many shriek from as for those who choose to do it ends up in worse situation contrary to their anticipation.

To avoid misleading advice its god to consult your doctor if you intend to put away some calories. This will protect you from the straining exercise, starvation and unhealthy body as you avoid specific type of diets such as carbohydrates and fats. This will eliminate the possibility of double tragedy of weak immune system and chubby body.

As men go through middle age crisis, women on the other hand are not left behind as their bodies are subjected to drastic changes that makes them add calories. At this stages the regular exercise and balanced diet doesn't prove fruitful making it such a nightmare. Most usually goes with doing nothing and fat pile on their bodies, others turn to the internet, taking all the posted solutions, which doesn't end so well.

Healthy bodies are just within us indiscriminate of you financial situation, age or gender and all it takes is rising to the occasion and act in accordance to doctor's advice and be aware of what we put in the meal plate. Despite the nature not allowing everyone to have those model size bodies one can dodge the associate diseases to live a life full of energy and that inner beauty that one feel radiate to the outside.

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