Lose Weight Naturally - 3 Easy Tips

More than 300,000 people lose their lives to weight related diseases every year in America. Too many people are overweight and obese due to poor diets and lack of physical exercise to the extent that obesity is officially a world-wide crisis presently. People are spending billions of dollars trying to lose weight, build muscle or get six pack abs by buying all sorts of products.
Most of the products on the market simply don't work because they are based on starving your body to lose weight. Starvation doesn't work because you deprive your body of the proper nutrition it needs to perform it normal functions thus lowering your basal metabolic rate. Though you may lose weight initially, starvation cannot be maintained for long periods so once you start to eat normally you will gain all the weight you lost plus probably more because your metabolic rate is very low so your body is not able to utilise all the calories you eat. These excess calories in the long run are stored as fat.
Here are 3 easy tips that should form the basis of any weight loss or fat burning program.
1. Don't skip Breakfast.
Breakfast is by far the most important meal for any weight loss or weight management program. Your body's metabolism is greatly reduced when you sleep. A healthy breakfast will kick start your metabolism when you wake up. A healthy breakfast includes some protein like a boiled egg, some fruit to give your body energy for the morning and some fibrous foods like oatmeal to keep you feeling fuller for longer. These food will raise your metabolism as your body starts to digest them plus they will give you the much needed energy for the day ahead.
2. Drink at least 8 Glasses of Water per Day.
The human body is made up of approximately 60% water. The benefits of water to our bodies can never be stressed enough. The body retains this much water because it is essential for the body to perform it normal day to day functions including weight loss and weight management. Though many people find it hard to drink this much water per day, a simple way to do it is to drink 1 glass before every meal and 1 glass after. Apart from the obvious benefits of water, this also assists you reduce the amount of calories you consume at every meal because the glass before eating fills you up to an extent before the meal and the one after keeps you feeling fuller for longer.
3. Eat 5 Times a Day.
Yes, you read it right. It may sound like the best way to add weight, but if done correctly, it can be a great weight loss method. Just like breakfast helps you increase your metabolism every morning, eating many small meals keeps you metabolism high all day. You should eat your 3 proper meals per day and have a snack in between breakfast and lunch, then another between lunch and dinner. I prefer to limit my snacks to fruit and nuts because this is a good time to get in any nutrients you are missing in your main meals, plus they have lots of fiber so they keep you feeling full for longer. Snacking also ensures you don't overeat during your proper meals thus reducing your calorie intake.
The tips above should form the basis of any weight loss or fat burning program, but in addition you should incorporate an effective physical training program to start seeing results very quickly.
Visit the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer website and get free Ebooks and articles for weight loss, fat burning and muscle building or check out our Muscle Maximizer Squidoo lens for more information on Nutrition and Physical Exercise.

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