What You Are Eating and Drinking to Lose Weight That Is Actually Bad for You

There are a lot of myths out there about losing weight. There's also a lot of advice that we get which may be well-intentioned, but flat-out wrong. I'm going to show you some typical things that you are eating and drinking that you have been told are healthy, but just aren't.
Let's start out with a drink. You're done with your workout and you do like you see the athletes do on TV. You get a Gatorade. Do you know what the second ingredient is listed on the Gatorade bottle? It's high fructose corn syrup!
That high fructose corn syrup can lead to obesity, high blood pressure and more. Besides water, a great natural product you can use to replenish those minerals you've just sweated out is Rebound. You can find it on my blog.
Next, let's look at waking up in the morning and having a good old bowl of healthy cereal. Cereal companies pay advertisers a lot of money to make their boxes look attractive and to tell you how healthy their cereal is.
When you look at the label, most cereals have a lot of sugar in each serving. Have you ever looked at what a serving size is? You usually have about 3 servings in your bowl.
That sugar will give your body hunger cravings. That's why you're hungry not soon after. What's the best kind of cereal to have? You want to check the label and make sure you are looking for low sugar and high fiber. Oatmeal, and I am talking about steel oats here, is your best bet.
What's wrong with yogurt? Did you know that most yogurt has tons of sugar? Like I said above, sugar will give you cravings and you will eat more. One of those small containers can have more than 20 grams of sugar!
I started eating Greek Yogurt because you get twice the protein and half the sugar of those other yogurt. My favorite way to have Greek yogurt? In a Smoothie with some protein powder, frozen fruit, ice, almond milk, and Stevia.
I bet you're also being told to eat whole wheat. Whole wheat grains in bread and pasta don't have nutrition. Why? Because when they are processed, the natural fiber and nutrition have been almost completely stripped out.
These are what they call complex carbs. These complex carbs get stored as fat in your body because they act like sugar. Guess which part of your body they get stored as fat first? Your midsection, as belly fat.
Whole wheat bread has to say 100% whole wheat on its label to make sure you are getting just that. What alternative do you have? Sprouted grains. Breads such as Ezekiel 4:9 are available in that variety.
I hope I have debunked some healthy food myths. I hope that I have also given you some healthy alternatives to help you with your weight loss. Remember, the healthiest food is always the one that doesn't come in a box.
You can get more weight loss tips and fat loss recipes on my blog at http://healthpromotionandwellness.blogspot.com You can also get the Free 7-day Ideal Fitness eCourse at http://www.briansfatloss.com

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