"Personal Patience" - Overcoming Fat, the Weight Loss Disease

Patience is a funny thing, we all say we have it but our actions say differently. We need patience daily but a lot of us don't practice it, especially with the one person we should practice it the most, and that is with ourselves.
What is patience? According to the dictionary it is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay; trouble or suffering without getting upset or angry. Let's look at the art of being patient from the perspective of fat the weight loss disease. Individuals that are fighting an ongoing disease or addiction might not get healed at all or for some, it may take many treatments and repeated visits to doctors when dealing with any disease. Let alone fat the weight loss disease, which at this point, is not diagnosable.
Many people, myself included, want an instant fix - we look for fad diets, that one great pill, and the exercise machine that will allow us to sit on the couch and lose inches. When these things don't work, we get very frustrated angry and sometimes even sad. I remember one of my doctors told me I didn't gain weight overnight so I would not lose weight overnight. Even though I know this in my heart, there are times when I can weigh myself more than one to two times a week, falling back in bad eating habits, which sometimes just feels like a compulsion that I can't seem to control. Even now there are times that I eat items, at night that are not good for me, because you know eating after six at night is a "no-no" when you are working on your weight. I was struggling with what to write in this article until this very moment when I reviewed my activity over the past week. I can't tell you how many times I ate the wrong things and how when I am sitting quietly it feels like my body is putting on fat all on its own. I can't number the times I cried out to God to "give me an eating and exercising strategy to loose and maintain the weight and for added self control". These behaviors and thought patterns do not exhibit Personal Patience.
I teach my preschoolers it's okay when they can't put a puzzle together, or write their name, or identify their letters. I encourage them to keep trying and to never quit.
When it comes to my own personal life, I lose patience with myself, I will say that it has gotten better over the years, but at times I still struggle with Personal Patience. Funny, I can encourage babies and others but not myself. Have you ever felt like you give great advice and don't apply it? I am extra hard on myself, sometimes I think too hard. I can repeat a loss of self control mentally over and over again. I can berate and argue with myself about skipping a day of exercise, but when dealing with another person I can sympathize, with another human beings, short comings, stumbles and falls much easier and more naturally than my own. We all know that people are human and make mistakes and that they can get back up again. Am I any less human? Do I deserve any less patience from myself than I give to others? Do you find yourself in an abusive relationship with yourself? If you do, then today is the day we will vow to be patient with ourselves no matter how many times we have to push the reset button and start our day, week, or month over. I will understand and hope you will too, that our struggle is with an ongoing disease and addiction that we may not be able to cure but with the right steps we can control it.
So we will learn to develop the patience we give to others to ourselves and we will vow to be patient with ourselves as we develop patience with ourselves. This is a daily battle we will continue to fight that I truly believe we will win and our first step should be developing patience, personal patience that is. Join the war against impatience with ourselves. Let us be victorious starting today.

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