Boosting Metabolism for Weight Loss - Beware These Common Myths

Boosting metabolism is one of the workable approaches to weight loss. An increased metabolism can burn more calories and fats, provided that proper weight loss nutrition is observed. One aspect of this is sufficient protein intake to sustain muscles so that the body will burn fat instead.
Unfortunately, many weight loss myths abound and there is no exception when it comes to how to boost metabolism. If you fall prey to these myths, it will be no wonder why your weight loss isn't progressing well and showing good results. What are these common myths on boosting metabolism?
Myth: Diet Pills Can Help Boost Metabolism
Diet pills are perhaps the biggest hindrance to anyone trying to lose weight. Although their manufacturers make unsubstantiated claims about easy weight loss, many are tempted to try them as a shortcut to shedding pounds effortlessly. For people in the know, the consensus is diet pills don't work and caveat emptor (or buyers beware).
Some diet pills promote water loss, i.e. they are diuretics that make you urinate more. Losing weight through loss of water in the body is only a temporary condition -- it is not actual weight loss per say as eating and drinking will replenish fluid loss to avert dehydration. Lack of water in the body can lead to serious health problems.
In some cases, diet pills can help boost metabolism temporarily. However, it best to consult a doctor before taking them as they can turn into some form of addiction. People do get sick from depending on diet pills and harm their health. The risks involved are too great for a benefit that doesn't last.
Myth: Increase Metabolism By Reducing Calorie Intake
Metabolism is the process by which the body produces and utilizes energy - it either takes the form of anabolism, which is taking energy to make cells; or catabolism, the breaking down of cells to make energy. If there is no need for energy due to inactivity, calories can still get stuck as unused in the body.
Thus, cutting down on calorie intake doesn't necessarily mean that metabolism will go up since there is now fewer calories to deal with. Yet, this myth is widely believed as a good way to lose weight. People fail to realize that metabolism actually slows down when calories are drastically reduced, as the body will detect the abnormal condition and tries to "preserve" itself.
Ironically, a slower metabolism can become an issue when the dieter suddenly eats more calories, say, due to festive feasting. The body just can't ramp up metabolism to deal with the caloric overload, so the natural outcome is weight gain - this becomes a nightmarish situation for a person trying to lose weight.
Myth: Low Intensity Workouts Boost Metabolism
Exercising in the "fat burning zone" is a popular idea amongst people going for weight loss. It is believed that doing so with low intensity workouts can help boost metabolism to burn fat. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Low intensity exercises barely cause a person to break a sweat as the heart rate doesn't go up much compared to exercising in the aerobic zone. They just don't lead to faster metabolism, since catabolism -- breaking cells down to make energy -- doesn't need to occur. Only high intensity workouts will force the body to find energy to help maintain that level of exercise.
The only time you should embark on low intensity workouts is when you are recovering from an injury or are new to an exercise regime. No doubt, a bit of exercise is better than none, but don't expect non-aerobic exercises to do anything for your metabolism.
Forget The Myths and Lose Weight Naturally
Once you can see through these myths, it is easier to accept that weight loss takes effort. It is far better to embrace a program soundly grounded on proper dieting and regular exercise than to do trial and error methods that risk harming one's health. Losing weight is a journey that needs commitment to see real results.
For self-help on weight loss that works, visit for practical solutions and tips on losing weight naturally. And learn how to keep weight off to attain total weight loss success.

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