Bodybuilding Success Stems From Including Dietary Fat

By James Steele

According to conventional wisdom, dietary fat has long been the enemy of the serious body builder. Long the scorn of fitness enthusiasts, dietary fat is getting a chance at redemption thanks to new research.

The right fats in the right amounts are actually good for our bodies. Even the most experienced body builder can stand to benefit by examining the latest wisdom that science has to offer. It really is a matter of thinking about your bodybuilding goals and then considering how you can use this information to get you where you want to be.

It's common knowledge that our diets are comprised of a combination of fats. Bodybuilders and the rest of us should make an effort to supplant saturated fats from animals with the more beneficial unsaturated fats. Some of our nutritional needs like Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids cannot be fulfilled by the body's internal mechanisms.

The Omega acids are often referred to as, Essential Fatty Acids or EFA's. Wild salmon and tuna are an outstanding source of the polyunsaturated Omega 3s essential fatty acids. You can round out your intake of essential fatty acids by including other sources like walnuts, flax, and kiwi in your diet. Omega 3 fatty acids support cardiovascular health as well as brain function and health. Interchangeable expressions of the terms Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are present. The former is also known as alpha Linolenic Acid, and the latter is commonly called Linoleic acid. The fatty acids, while related have individual functions that are consequential to bodybuilding. A few of the benefits include increased stamina, expeditious healing from injuries, quicker recovery times after training and much more when used in proper ratios. All-around health benefits can be derived when consuming accurate amounts of fats.

Bodybuilding can be a worthwhile sport, no matter what your reasons are for doing it. Not surprisingly, if you decide to participate in an advanced level, then your work will be all set for you. Although you can cause your results to be easier to get to and also more exciting if you make certain that you're taking in the correct fats in your everyday diet. It's imperative to keep an eye on how much fat you take in every day, as the amount you consume is a heavy matter. This is also another area in which you can find tune your nutritional requirements by being exact in what you do eat in terms of fat.

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Ensure Your Weight Loss Program Is A Success

By James Steele

When people get older, they may slip up and stop focusing on fitness. The responsibilities of family and work often crowd out the time for a fitness routine. If you are fed up with your current body, then use the tips below to change things. You can reclaim some of the fitness you had in your youth by making use of them. Many people simply abandon their fitness programs as they get older. Finding enough time to work out is a challenge if you have a job and a family. If you are sick and tired of being out of your desired shape, read the following fitness advice. They will help you get your teenage figure back.

You need to start working out injuries as soon as the doctor says so. If you don't, you'll end up tightening other muscles and potentially suffer other injuries. You do not have to do anything intense. Take it slow, and apply an ice pack or heat when your workout is complete. Take precautions when you consider exercising an injured muscle. You should begin by gently stretching the muscle without causing further injury. If you don't, other muscles may become compromised. This does not mean that you should participate in intense exercises. After completing your exercise, be sure to ice the muscle thoroughly.

If you are having trouble staying motivated, you may want to look for a workout friend. You could keep track of each other's progress and give pep talks when one of you needs one. When working out becomes a social experience, you will find yourself able to exercise longer. It is a good idea to have a workout partner to help motivate you to stick to your fitness goals. Your friend can hold you accountable to show up on time for your workout sessions. They can also help keep you highly motivated and make your workouts more successful. Exercising with someone that you like to be around makes your workouts much more enjoyable.

Use light weights to help you build up your muscle strength. Your muscles use the same force, but they will be going slower. This tip is good for bench presses. Reduce the amount you lift by around half, and break it up into sets. Taking thirty seconds to rest between sets is a good idea. Use lighter weights to build up your physical strength. The muscles apply the same amount of force as they do when working with heavy weights, however, they move slower with the greater weight. Using lighter weights is excellent for bench-press exercises. Use about 40 to 60 percent of the weight that you normally would, and do eight quick sets of 12. It is also important to rest between thirty seconds and a full minute between sets.

A workout can be successful and fun or frustrating and discouraging depending on the equipment you use. For example, having good shoes will make it easier and more comfortable for you to work out. The risk of foot, ankle, and knee injuries goes up if improper footwear is worn. These injuries can hinder progress or even permanently affect your ability to exercise as you wish. Choosing the right clothing is crucial to maximize a workout. Athletic shoes support your feet and legs by giving them support and traction, even at high levels of exertion. So, choosing the right pair is essential. Wearing poorly-designed shoes makes it much more likely that you get injured.

Paying your trainer in advance will give you the motivation to attend every session. You are more likely to show up if you have paid for something. One strategy to ensure you keep all your workout dates is to pay your trainer up front. By paying in advance, you are creating a valuable incentive to regularly attend all of your sessions.

If you love to bench but cannot figure out how to lift more, try this quick tip. Without turning your head, watch your dominant hand as you lift the weight. This is a way for you to handle more weight than you are typically able to. Trying this technique may help you to bench additional weight. When you are performing your bench press, watch your dominant hand. You will be able to lift more instantly.

Getting back into your desired shape is not as hard as you think when you have tips like these. If you put in the time, dedication, determination and patience, then you have what it takes. These are good traits to have, not only for exercise, but for your daily life as well. Being successful in other areas of your life means that you should also be able to be a success in this area of your life. So, begin improving your fitness today! By using these tips, you will find that is really isn't that difficult to get back in shape. This will just take some time, patience, and sticking with things. You will find that these traits serve you well in everything you do in life, not only physical fitness. All you need to do is transfer the habits that make you a successful employee, parent, marriage partner, etc., to the task of becoming fit. All you need to do is stick to it.

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A Guide To Getting That Body You've Always Wanted

By Dr Pj Prakash

Every year, millions of people start diet and exercise programs in an effort to lose weight and shed excess pounds. Losing weight is not easy, if it was, no one would be overweight. When attempting to lose fat, it is important to follow an intelligently designed program. This article contains a number of great weight loss tips.

If you would like to lose weight, stick to home cooked meals. Cook meals from scratch, to ensure that you're eating healthy. Fast food restaurants reuse cooking oil over and over again. Each time it is reheated, it is thickened with toxins. If you follow this one tip, you can easily see your success, within 15 days or less.

A great little tip for losing pounds and becoming more nutritious is to chew gum. It will keep your mouth moving and also distract you from eating other snacks that are not so good for you. Sugar free is the best kind of gum that you can chew while on a diet.

If you want to eat better, you should eat a healthy breakfast. Skipping breakfast is definitely not a good thing. A good breakfast should contain a fruit, a serving of dairy and some fiber. You can eat a banana, a bowl of healthy cereal and some yogurt. You could also, drink a glass of orange juice, eat a couple of pieces of toast and some cream cheese.

Deal with cravings. Cravings are strong urges to eat your favorite food, and they are very hard to overcome. Pay close attention to what it is that triggers these cravings, as they are usually emotion-based. Try to find a way to distract yourself until the craving is over, and always ask yourself if you are truly hungry. More often than not, you will find the answer is 'no'.

Do not let an opportunity to move around pass you by. At work, volunteer yourself to run documents from one department to the other. Clean your house actively. Do some work on your garden. Any occasion to move around and get some exercise is a good thing for your weight.

Believe it or not, many restaurants do not list all available food preparation options on the printed menu. Most of the time, chefs and cooks are willing to oblige reasonable requests from diners who prefer to have their food pan-seared or broiled rather than fried, or cooked using healthier alternatives like sunflower or olive oils instead of lard or other animal fats.

A good way to help yourself lose weight is to keep a food diary. Write down everything you eat and drink for several days so you can see where your extra calories are coming from. Go through your diary and decide what you can eliminate or change to improve your diet and reduce your caloric intake.

Find a non-food way to reward your efforts. Instead of treating yourself to a hot fudge sundae for reaching a weight-loss or fitness goal, treat yourself to a new workout outfit, a round of mini-golf or a spa treatment. This will train your brain to associate success with these kinds of activities, rather than food.

Be sure to track your progress in as many ways as possible. This includes clothing sizes, fitness training progression, actual pounds, inches and overall energy. By tracking all of these ways, it will help you to stay motivated as you will be more likely to see progress in at least one of the categories.

Any time you are doing normal chores around the house you should take a little time to play some upbeat music. This will not only help the chores to be more interesting but you will naturally move in a faster rhythm which will help to get your heart rate up and calories down.

As mentioned above, losing weight is not easy. It takes hard work and dedication. When striving to achieve weight loss goals it is vitally important to implement proven weight loss methodologies into your program. Following the tips in this article is a great way to jump start your weight loss.

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Why Sensa Makes Sense for Me

By Jay Steiner

I've learned the hard way not to compare my body to other people's bodies, especially emaciated and surgically altered models who are further airbrushed into perfection. True beauty comes from within. If you are self-confident and comfortable with yourself, you will appear more attractive than people who are miserably comparing themselves to others.

Having grown up with a mother who obsessed constantly over her weight and made everyone around her miserable, I vowed that would like my body no matter how it changed, and change it did. Unfortunately, it seems I acquired a relentlessly high self-esteem when it comes to body image, so when increasing demands on my time meant more fast food and fewer trips to the gym, I was able to gain a whole lot of weight without thinking twice.

My doctor also seemed more interested in every other aspect of my health besides weight, so I was surprised when she told me that I needed to lose 30 pounds. Are you kidding me? 30? Couldn't you have said something 15 pounds ago?

But I'm glad that my doctor finally did recommend weight loss for me. Being overweight can put you at risk for many different types of health problems. Let's consider just the top 4:

I see my doctor again in a year. Can I lose the 30 pounds (yikes) that she recommends in only one year? Turns out that is quite doable: barely more than half a pound a week. Losing weight slowly is also recommended to avoid the negative consequences, such as gall bladder disease, associated with crash diets). Losing this small amount of weight is something that most people can do with small changes in what they eat, and 30 minutes of daily exercise (which also boost your mood.) However, this can be hard for some people. Our slow economic recovery means that those of us who have jobs are working extra hours to cover for those who got laid off, or they are working multiple low paying jobs to make ends meet.

My job has me working more hours, and the kids also keep me busy. Eating on the go makes me lose track of what I am eating. This is where the Sensa diet plan can help. What is Sensa? It is a diet system made to help people, like me, get more satisfaction out of smaller amounts of food. It was designed by a neural scientist who understands the role that the brain plays in limiting the amount of caloric intake. My brain will tell me to stop eating sooner, so I won't over eat. The Sensa plan is also ultra-convenient, another big plus for busy people, and easy and doesn't make me buy special foods, avoid restaurants or parties, or make food differently for me than for my family. Simple and sensible.

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Weight Loss - Be Healthy

Weight Loss - Fast and Efficient
About a year ago, I went for my work required, physical examination. As a result, I went to my personal physician for consultation. He convinced me, by jumping up and down and yelling at me for about fifteen minutes that I needed to lose some weight. I finally raised both my hands and stated, "I get the pik-cha."
I asked him how to go about doing that and he told me, by again jumping up and down and yelling at me for another fifteen minutes. I'll tell you what he said a little later.
The Doctor wanted to see me again in three months. By then I had lost forty pounds. He asked me how I did that and I told him, "I did what my doctor told me to do."
He said, "Now the problem will be keeping it off."
I have a dear friend, who I will name "Rotunda." She asked me how I lost the weight and when I told her, she said, "Oh. That wouldn't work for me. A woman's body is different."
I recently found this quote translated into about 6 languages. "Arithmetic doesn't lie." Pertaining to weight loss, it works like this. If a body needs and uses, say, a thousand units of energy daily and takes on a thousand fifty units, it will store the unused energy in the form of FAT and the weight of that body will increase. If the body uses nine hundred fifty units of energy daily, it will tap its FAT reserves and the overall mass of the body will decrease. It's simple arithmetic, and arithmetic doesn't lie.
My friend, Rotunda, chose a cutesy diet based on three meals daily in which she counts the calories, or energy units of each meal. Then, when temptation is "just too overwhelming," she succumbs and pigs out on something. Her weight loss goal is 25 pounds every six months. She is failing to meet her goal, miserably. I'm almost a foot taller than she is and at that rate, I figure that in five years, she'll still out-weigh me. I set up her ring tone on my cell phone as "The Baby Elephant Walk."
Now. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being FAT, well, except for the fact that it contributes to heart disease, bone deficiencies, high blood pressure, organ failures and diabetes (type 2), to list just a few of the problems. Other problems include difficulty in walking. A very FAT person's thighs tend to slap together when they walk, so they can't walk very fast, or very far. Just imagine getting blisters on your inner thighs! When the bones start showing the extra wear and tear, the person starts heaving from side to side as they walk because their knees or hips, or both, ache. Agility becomes a major issue because balancing all that extra energy as they do things like climb stairs, enter a roller coaster seat or TRY to make love, makes things awkward. They just can't jiggle it around effectively. There is also the problem of accessing those hidden body parts when they are buried in a sea of, uh, stored up energy.
Gaining weight is a real pleasure. I love to eat. We all do, but all that pleasure accrues in time and to compensate, that is to say, lose that extra weight it takes the opposite of pleasure. We'll call that, "displeasure." Being hungry is a displeasure. Weight loss requires being hungry. Arithmetic doesn't lie.
What my doctor told me to do, I did. It was very unpleasant and it still is, because I am maintaining the weight. He said to get a height weight chart and figure out how much I should weigh. That research revealed that I was at my ideal weight when I graduated from High School, a long time ago. I am sixty five years old.
He further instructed me to eat breakfast only - a big breakfast. It should be high protein, low or no carbs and low or no sugar. He further instructed me to eat no lunch, no snacks and no dinner. He said when I get home from work and I'm hungry, work out till I break a sweat, every day. He said, "Be hungry!" Get used to it. Make it a life style. Learn to look forward to it. Otherwise you'll be meeting lots of people like me, wearing white lab coats and stethoscopes. It'll be expensive."
After about six weeks of that terrible regimen, I started bringing a lunch to work with me consisting of an apple and one cup (eight ounces) of raw almonds or cashews. I still had no evening meal. The rapidity of my weight loss slowed, but didn't stop. When I achieved target weight, I went back to see him and he said, "Statistically, only about twenty percent of the population has the guts to do what you did."
Now, to maintain my high school weight, I still eat a huge breakfast, a light lunch and these days, a very light dinner. I eat enough that I don't have to be hungry anymore, much. I get on the scale twice each day and keep my weight within one or two pounds of the target. When I get too high over the target, I skip lunch and dinner again, until it's back where it should be. I still pig out now and then, but when I do, I usually have a price to pay in the form of hunger, the next day.
I'm not recommending that others should take my doctor's advice. The diet was severe but effective. Arithmetic doesn't lie. I contest that it takes guts to do this. What it takes is adequate motivation. Mine was elevated sugar. The Doc said if I lose the weight, the problem will go away. I did and it did. If I get more than two pounds over target, the sugar starts to come back. I'd rather be hungry than diabetic. Being thin can be annoying. Now none of my clothes fit.
By Robert G. Makin
Robert G. Makin is the author of Return to Masada, StrathNaver Legends, Faces of Inanna and Aleister Through The Looking Glass. He also does some free lancing and editing.

The Different Types of Weight Loss Surgery Procedures

What is weight loss surgery?

Weight loss surgery includes a wide array of procedures performed on those who are severely overweight. Generally speaking, weight loss is achieved by reducing the size and volume of the stomach.
Different types of bariatric procedures
While there are many different procedures and variations of procedures, there are three weight loss procedures that are most commonly performed in the United States. These procedures are sometimes labeled as restrictive, malabsorptive or both. During restrictive procedures, the surgeon creates a small stomach pouch, that limits the amount of food patients can eat. The smaller stomach pouch fills quickly, which helps patients feel satisfied with less food. During malabsorptive procedures, the surgeon reroutes the small intestine so that food skips a portion of it. The small intestine absorbs calories and nutrients from food, and avoiding part of it means that many calories and nutrients are not absorbed The most commonly performed procedures are Adjustable Gastric Banding, Roux-en-y Gastric Bypass, and Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. Certain procedures use both restriction and malabsorption.
Adjustable Gastric Banding
Gastric Band Surgery makes you feel full sooner which results in less food consumed at one time and makes it easier for you to participate in healthy eating and lifestyle habits. With Gastric Band Surgery, your stomach is divided into two parts: a small upper pouch and a lower stomach. The upper pouch can only hold about 4 ounces (1/2 cup) of food. For this reason, you will feel full sooner and longer than usual. Lap Band surgery does not change the functions of your digestive system. Food consumed passes through the digestive tract in the normal route.
Approximately four to six weeks after gastric band surgery, you will visit your surgeon and begin a series of periodic procedures to adjust your band. These gastric band adjustments may be necessary as long as you have your band in place. Your surgeon may tighten the Gastric Band by injecting saline into the injection port. As the saline is introduced to the injection port, it travels through the tube to the Gastric Band. The addition of saline to the band creates a smaller opening between the stomach and the upper stomach pouch. This smaller opening pouch restricts the amount of food you can eat before feeling full.
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery
Gastric bypass surgery makes the stomach smaller and causes food to bypass part of the small intestine. You will feel full more quickly than when your stomach was its original size. This reduces the amount of food you can eat at one time. Bypassing part of the intestine reduces how much food and nutrients are absorbed. This leads to weight loss. In normal digestion, food passes through the stomach and enters the small intestine, where most of the nutrients and calories are absorbed. It then passes into the large intestine (colon), and the remaining waste is eventually excreted. In a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, only a small part of the stomach is used to create a new stomach pouch, roughly the size of an egg. The smaller stomach is connected directly to the middle portion of the small intestine (jejunum), bypassing the rest of the stomach and the upper portion of the small intestine (duodenum). This procedure can be done by making a large incision in the abdomen (an open procedure) or by making a small incision and using small instruments and a camera to guide the surgery (laparoscopic approach). A small pouch is created along the inner curve of the stomach and a segment of the small intestine is attached to the pouch to allow food to bypass a portion of the intestine. This results in reduced calorie and nutrition absorption. It is a restrictive and malabsorptive procedure.
Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy
During this procedure a bariatric surgeon removes about 85 percent of the stomach so that it takes the shape of a tube or sleeve.
This operation is performed laparoscopically, meaning that the surgeon makes small incisions as opposed to one large incision. He or she inserts a viewing tube with a small camera (laparoscope) and other tiny instruments into these small incisions to remove part of the stomach.
The tube-shaped stomach that is left is sealed closed with staples. In some cases, gastric sleeve surgery may be followed by a gastric bypass surgery or duodenal switch surgery after a person has lost a significant amount of weight. Called a "staged" approach to weight loss surgery, this makes the second procedure less risky than it would have been had it been the first and only procedure.
The timing of the second surgery varies according to the degree of weight loss. It usually occurs within six to 18 months after the initial surgery.
More information on Weight Loss Surgery

"Personal Patience" - Overcoming Fat, the Weight Loss Disease

Patience is a funny thing, we all say we have it but our actions say differently. We need patience daily but a lot of us don't practice it, especially with the one person we should practice it the most, and that is with ourselves.
What is patience? According to the dictionary it is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay; trouble or suffering without getting upset or angry. Let's look at the art of being patient from the perspective of fat the weight loss disease. Individuals that are fighting an ongoing disease or addiction might not get healed at all or for some, it may take many treatments and repeated visits to doctors when dealing with any disease. Let alone fat the weight loss disease, which at this point, is not diagnosable.
Many people, myself included, want an instant fix - we look for fad diets, that one great pill, and the exercise machine that will allow us to sit on the couch and lose inches. When these things don't work, we get very frustrated angry and sometimes even sad. I remember one of my doctors told me I didn't gain weight overnight so I would not lose weight overnight. Even though I know this in my heart, there are times when I can weigh myself more than one to two times a week, falling back in bad eating habits, which sometimes just feels like a compulsion that I can't seem to control. Even now there are times that I eat items, at night that are not good for me, because you know eating after six at night is a "no-no" when you are working on your weight. I was struggling with what to write in this article until this very moment when I reviewed my activity over the past week. I can't tell you how many times I ate the wrong things and how when I am sitting quietly it feels like my body is putting on fat all on its own. I can't number the times I cried out to God to "give me an eating and exercising strategy to loose and maintain the weight and for added self control". These behaviors and thought patterns do not exhibit Personal Patience.
I teach my preschoolers it's okay when they can't put a puzzle together, or write their name, or identify their letters. I encourage them to keep trying and to never quit.
When it comes to my own personal life, I lose patience with myself, I will say that it has gotten better over the years, but at times I still struggle with Personal Patience. Funny, I can encourage babies and others but not myself. Have you ever felt like you give great advice and don't apply it? I am extra hard on myself, sometimes I think too hard. I can repeat a loss of self control mentally over and over again. I can berate and argue with myself about skipping a day of exercise, but when dealing with another person I can sympathize, with another human beings, short comings, stumbles and falls much easier and more naturally than my own. We all know that people are human and make mistakes and that they can get back up again. Am I any less human? Do I deserve any less patience from myself than I give to others? Do you find yourself in an abusive relationship with yourself? If you do, then today is the day we will vow to be patient with ourselves no matter how many times we have to push the reset button and start our day, week, or month over. I will understand and hope you will too, that our struggle is with an ongoing disease and addiction that we may not be able to cure but with the right steps we can control it.
So we will learn to develop the patience we give to others to ourselves and we will vow to be patient with ourselves as we develop patience with ourselves. This is a daily battle we will continue to fight that I truly believe we will win and our first step should be developing patience, personal patience that is. Join the war against impatience with ourselves. Let us be victorious starting today.

Boosting Metabolism for Weight Loss - Beware These Common Myths

Boosting metabolism is one of the workable approaches to weight loss. An increased metabolism can burn more calories and fats, provided that proper weight loss nutrition is observed. One aspect of this is sufficient protein intake to sustain muscles so that the body will burn fat instead.
Unfortunately, many weight loss myths abound and there is no exception when it comes to how to boost metabolism. If you fall prey to these myths, it will be no wonder why your weight loss isn't progressing well and showing good results. What are these common myths on boosting metabolism?
Myth: Diet Pills Can Help Boost Metabolism
Diet pills are perhaps the biggest hindrance to anyone trying to lose weight. Although their manufacturers make unsubstantiated claims about easy weight loss, many are tempted to try them as a shortcut to shedding pounds effortlessly. For people in the know, the consensus is diet pills don't work and caveat emptor (or buyers beware).
Some diet pills promote water loss, i.e. they are diuretics that make you urinate more. Losing weight through loss of water in the body is only a temporary condition -- it is not actual weight loss per say as eating and drinking will replenish fluid loss to avert dehydration. Lack of water in the body can lead to serious health problems.
In some cases, diet pills can help boost metabolism temporarily. However, it best to consult a doctor before taking them as they can turn into some form of addiction. People do get sick from depending on diet pills and harm their health. The risks involved are too great for a benefit that doesn't last.
Myth: Increase Metabolism By Reducing Calorie Intake
Metabolism is the process by which the body produces and utilizes energy - it either takes the form of anabolism, which is taking energy to make cells; or catabolism, the breaking down of cells to make energy. If there is no need for energy due to inactivity, calories can still get stuck as unused in the body.
Thus, cutting down on calorie intake doesn't necessarily mean that metabolism will go up since there is now fewer calories to deal with. Yet, this myth is widely believed as a good way to lose weight. People fail to realize that metabolism actually slows down when calories are drastically reduced, as the body will detect the abnormal condition and tries to "preserve" itself.
Ironically, a slower metabolism can become an issue when the dieter suddenly eats more calories, say, due to festive feasting. The body just can't ramp up metabolism to deal with the caloric overload, so the natural outcome is weight gain - this becomes a nightmarish situation for a person trying to lose weight.
Myth: Low Intensity Workouts Boost Metabolism
Exercising in the "fat burning zone" is a popular idea amongst people going for weight loss. It is believed that doing so with low intensity workouts can help boost metabolism to burn fat. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Low intensity exercises barely cause a person to break a sweat as the heart rate doesn't go up much compared to exercising in the aerobic zone. They just don't lead to faster metabolism, since catabolism -- breaking cells down to make energy -- doesn't need to occur. Only high intensity workouts will force the body to find energy to help maintain that level of exercise.
The only time you should embark on low intensity workouts is when you are recovering from an injury or are new to an exercise regime. No doubt, a bit of exercise is better than none, but don't expect non-aerobic exercises to do anything for your metabolism.
Forget The Myths and Lose Weight Naturally
Once you can see through these myths, it is easier to accept that weight loss takes effort. It is far better to embrace a program soundly grounded on proper dieting and regular exercise than to do trial and error methods that risk harming one's health. Losing weight is a journey that needs commitment to see real results.
For self-help on weight loss that works, visit for practical solutions and tips on losing weight naturally. And learn how to keep weight off to attain total weight loss success.

5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Weight Loss Plan

So you have committed yourself to losing weight and eating healthy. You're ready to make the lifestyle change that your mind and body so desperately need. Fresh fruits and vegetables; lean meats and low-fat dairy products; beans and nuts - all the healthy stuff is on the menu. You've committed to an exercise program and have thrown away all the junk-food in the pantry. There is one thing missing, however. In order to prepare your body for weight loss and jumpstart the fat-burning process, the first thing you need to do is to start a cleansing and detox program.
Your body is constantly exposed to toxins in your everyday life - in air, water, food, cosmetics, perfume, alcohol, cigarettes, medications, household products... the list goes on and on. Overtime these toxins build up in your body and can overcome your body's natural ability to cleanse and detoxify itself. Toxins can accumulate in your body tissues and can affect your health, digestion, metabolism, skin, hair, and nails. You may see weight gain; feel sluggish, unbalanced, constipated, fatigued, and bloated.
When you cleanse and detox, you help push out the toxins that are affecting your body so it can have a "clean slate." This way your new diet and exercise program will not be hindered. As the toxins get eliminated and then replaced valuable nutrients, you will notice rather quickly a huge difference in you how you look and feel.
Your digestive system feeds your body tissues, so you want to maintain a healthy system. There are simple everyday things that you can do two help the cleansing process.
1. Drink more water. Increasing your water intake will help your body flush out the toxins you have begun to draw out of your system. You should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day.
2. Avoid fried, overcooked, and processed foods. Eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables. The fiber and nutrients found in raw foods and vegetable juices will cleans the body of toxins and help maintain a healthy digestive system.
3. Do not cut carbs. The only fuel your brain and eyes use is derived from carbs. Have you ever tried to cut out and felt not like yourself? It's important to distinguish between good and bad carbs. Stick with whole grains like whole wheat pasta, breads, and cereals. Stay away from refined sugars and white flour.
4. Eat small meals throughout the day. You have probably heard this before but it's important to eat small meals throughout the day to maintain an active metabolism. Shoot for five to six small meals a day, spaced two to three hours apart, which include lean protein, whole grain carbs, fruits and vegetables, and some fat in each meal.
5. Do cardio. You should hit the treadmill or elliptical machine for at least 30 minutes a day three times a week. The cardio will burn calories, detoxify your body through sweating, and have you feeling energized.
Whitney Ellsworth is a certified nutritionist and exercise specialist who has helped thousands of people all over the world lose incredible amounts of weight, regain their health and permanently change their lives. For a step by step plan on how to get your health and weight loss journey started, complete with meal plans, recipes, and exercise routines, be sure to check out And remember, nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.

Getting Off the Diet Rollercoaster - The Difference Between Diet Vs. Lifestyle Change

One of my fabulous clients described her journey towards permanent weight loss this way: "It's like I was on a rollercoaster when I was dieting, now I'm in the driver's seat, driving change."
I thought this was a great metaphor for dieting Vs. lifestyle change.
Let's think about this.
When you are on the diet rollercoaster:
  1. You feel out of control.
  2. It's scary.
  3. Emotions rage with good days and bad days. Emotions always lead to emotional eating and comfort food.
  4. The number on the scale can send you on a binge.
  5. Disappointment, sadness, anxiety and other daily occurrences set off eating sprees, followed by food restriction and new promises to diet all over again tomorrow, next Monday, or next month.
  6. You follow someone else's plan - it might be a diet, a book, a program. These plans never address your personal body's needs, but are generalized approaches.
  7. You "wake up" with an empty plate, a candy wrapper, a cookie box, or other container in front of you and no idea how it got there or where the food went.
  8. You try to control the crazy momentum by counting something (calories, aerobic output, anything at all.)
  9. You think poor choices say something about your personal character.
  10. You struggle. Struggle diminishes your effort, your success and, ultimately, your dreams.
  11. You constantly fluctuate between weights, yo-yo-ing up and down the scale. Ultimately, you wind up back at the beginning, where you started, at the "loading zone" of the rollercoaster ride.
You know you are making a lifestyle change, and you are driving change, when:
  1. You are the authority on what food is the best fuel for YOUR body and you know exactly what makes great energy for your unique physiology.
  2. You consistently fuel your body for optimal energy.
  3. You make decisions easily, without mental combat occurring.
  4. You address any emotion, obstacle or event DIRECTLY, without buffering it with food.
  5. You never make excuses, but OWN every decision and action.
  6. You feel empowered. You are driving. You are choosing the route you take.
  7. You treat yourself with respect and love in all circumstances, no matter what you ate that day.
  8. The ride leads to new places, new discoveries, and wide-open vistas because you aren't on a "track", you're in ever-changing life.
Getting off the diet rollercoaster isn't just about losing weight. It's about quality of life. It's about living a fully empowered life, instead of giving power away to a plan, a diet, or anything that's not organic to your amazing physical body.
Non-diet weight loss is the kind that lasts too. Isn't that what we ultimately want when we think of lowering the number on the scale, anyway?
Pat Barone, CPCC, PCC, earned her title "America's Weight Loss Catalyst" by coaching thousands of clients toward permanent weight loss. Her status as an expert is heightened by her own personal weight loss success. Through her company, Catalyst Coaching(TM) LLC, she offers seminars, workshops and retreats focusing on permanent weight loss. Get her free 5 part series - Key Lesson for Permanent Weight Loss at

The Stress Hormone, Cortisol And Its Relationship To Belly Fat

Historically and naturally, stress meant that the body needed to store up fat for when it was "under siege." This is called the "Fight or Flight Syndrome". Now, food is plentiful so we do not have to face down a saber tooth tiger, but with stress our bodies think that we need food even when we don't. Even though we do not have to go through what our caveman ancestors did our body is still geared to produce cortisol under what the body considers "stressful situations." Cortisol, then, is a natural occurring hormone produced by the body. When cortisol is produced, it makes you hungry even when you aren't.
There are many situations deemed by the body to be stressful. Two of the biggest stresses of course are moving and a family death. Other triggers for stress are fear, financial concern, relationships and yes, even dieting. How exactly does dieting create stress and subsequently produce more belly fat? Actually cutting down on calories without doing it wisely (eating good substantial foods that are scientifically proven to help lose weight soundly; in other words, most of the so called "Diets,") can be very detrimental as it causes stress to the body. Obsessing over what you eat actually causes stress too. With the reduction of calories and feeling hungry, your body prepares itself for "Famine" as your body is programmed to assume food is no longer available as it once was.
When too much cortisol is released, the body is perceiving the situation as dangerous. We need more fat as fuel to deal with the saber tooth tiger; the body will move fat or fuel out of cells and relocate to the abdomen as fat cells. When the body perceives a situation as the "Fight" phase, norepinephrine is released. If "Flight" is perceived, epinephrine is released. When prolonged stress is deemed as hopeless, "Defeat" is perceived and the hypothalamus is activated. A cascade of hormonal pathways prompts the adrenal cortex of the kidney to release cortisol. The brain is selective in regarding "Fight, Flight or Defeat" and all the hormonal pathways work together with the choice at hand to produce the correct response. Each response in turn affects the bodily process. "Fight" or "Flight" = a faster, harder heart beat and this in turn releases more free fatty acids into the blood. The body interpreting "Defeat:" can lead to an enhanced lipogenesis (fat creation) on the deep visceral organs, ie. abdominal obesity, a breakdown of tissues, as well as suppressing the immune system.
Cortisol, then, is a necessary hormone and has varying tasks within the body. Its challenges include:
-Helping with the immune system
-Responsible for blood sugar maintenance and for insulin release
-Related to inflammation response
-Helps to regulate blood pressure
-Helps to maintain proper metabolism of glucose
What can we do to help our body to help itself when dealing with stress? First of all we need to be more aware of what it is we put into our body. We need to reset our metabolic thermostat and have our body become fat burning and not fat storing.
-Fish oil in the form of Omega-3's helps fight depression and helps to prevent the body from producing too much insulin which causes fat storage as well. Fish oil, cod liver oil, krill oil and flax seed oil are all good.
-Daily, Take 1-3 grams of healthy fish oil with EPA and DHA.
Omega-3's reduce inflammation in the body which will help to prevent any disease.
-Vitamin C is wonderful for the immune system and likewise the adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys. Consume 1200-3000 mg. of Vitamin C daily from fruits, vegetables and supplements.
-Keep whole wheat bread and dry boxed cereals, most pastas out of the diet as they spike blood sugar. Quinoa, spelt, brown rice are all good as well as sprouted wheat berry flourless bread.
-Keep the good fats like real butter, whole eggs, avocado and raw nuts.
Dump trans fatty and hydrogenated foods like canola and margarine.
-The liver has to break down fats and filter out the rotten chemicals if we eat them. So, stay away from processed foods, soy products, soy milk, fructose corn syrup and sugar in general.
-Get enough rest so our body can produce its own Human Growth Hormone and we can allow our body to deal with stresses as they come up. Don't eat before bed.
-Steady your blood sugar levels so that insulin is regulated. You might try eating 5-6 small meals a day.
-Visceral fat around the organs responds to strength training your core, twice a week.
-Relaxation through meditation or yoga will help reduce cortisol levels and lower anxiety.
-Control adrenal triggers and its release of cortisol by cutting back or cutting out caffeine, alcohol and smoking.
-Negative thoughts create negative body reactions. Watch your thoughts!
-Do exercise that you love to do.
In summary, cortisol is released when exercising, eating, awakening and psychological stress. Abdominal obesity and especially that of visceral fat (the fat surrounding the organs can develop when there is too much cortisol in circulation.) This type of obesity is linked to the developing of cardiovascular disease, Type 11 diabetes and cerebrovascular disease. Remember that cortisol is associated with high caloric intake and overeating as well as sugary foods. This all goes into the mix of relocating fat from circulation and fat depots to the deep internal abdominal area. We can do better than become a victim of stress related obesity and seek out our options through exercise, better food choices and a self-assigned program to manage our stresses.
Devoted to health and fitness, licensed acupuncturist, Flo Lawrence writes about improving speed through right training, right food and right thoughts for maintaining health and fitness through the inexpensive activity of running at

Pregnancy Weight Loss - Losing That Baby Fat

Having a baby and giving birth are both wonderful life passages that women can experience. However, along with carrying a baby inside for some 40 plus weeks comes the not-so-nice feeling of pregnancy weight loss. The desire and challenge to lose those baby fat can be trying while coping to raise a newborn.
As part of being pregnant, a woman puts on weight as the fetus grows and her body readies itself for childbirth. Unfortunately, this extra weight doesn't vanish with the delivery of her baby. Like in any weight loss pursuit, there needs to be a conscious effort to lose baby fat.
Physically and emotionally, the mother can be at odds with taking care of her baby's needs and her own. Hormonal changes after giving birth can affect how she feels. Plus the stress that arises from baby's demands and sometimes even family pressure (like differing views in bringing up children, for example) can often take the toll on pregnancy weight loss.
Fortunately, there are methods to lose weight which are not difficult to focus on while tending to the baby. In this article, we look at a couple of simple ways that can help with pregnancy weight loss.
Breastfeed Your Baby
Whenever possible, breastfeeding a baby is always preferred as it provides the baby with natural immunity (from the colostrum in mother's milk) in addition to essential vitamins and nutrients. The good news is that breastfeeding can actually help in weight loss.
To produce breast milk for the baby, the average mother utilizes between 500 to 800 calories a day -- this is a great way to burn calories without doing much physical activity. After all, going to the gym is probably difficult in the first year after baby is born as the mother deals with many different responsibilities.
Breastfeeding is definitely a good start on losing baby fat. It augments well any additional steps that a mother may want to take to lose weight, e.g. making the effort to eat well and doing regular exercises.
Stay Relaxed and Realistic
There is a natural tendency to want to lose weight fast, baby fats or not. However, women should be mindful not to sabotage their pregnancy weight loss plan by doing irrational things such as emotional eating caused by anxiety over losing weight slowly.
After all, that extra weight was put on over some 9 months; so it might take a while to lose it all. When this relaxed view is taken, a planned approach to weight loss can then happen within realistic expectations. This avoids the frustration associated with not seeing fast results.
As a benchmark, medical experts suggest a loss of 2 pounds a week is reasonable. Assuming a woman gained 30 pounds during pregnancy and shed 14 after childbirth, she's got another 16 pounds to lose. So a rough gauge for that to happen is 8 weeks. Setting an expectation of roughly 3-4 months is probably fair and objective.
Take It Easy
It is understandable that a mother would want to look the way she did before she got pregnant, and she can't wait to restore her figure. But it is important to accept that weight loss takes time and a realistic approach is always better. Staying relaxed helps the woman set fair goals and take everything in her stride.
Losing weight after pregnancy is no small matter. The tips given earlier should help to kick start any plan for pregnancy weight loss. At, we provide resources to help you follow effective weight loss methods for a surer way to lose weight and keep it off for good. There's just no beating basic weight loss that works as you'd soon discover.

Tips On How To Train Your Mind To Overcome Food Cravings

By Tyrone Factor

When you'd like to lose weight or to eliminate certain foods or food groups from your day-to-day diet you should be good at controlling the way in which you think of such food. A good mental strategy towards your eating plan and diet is necessary.

If you watched the movie "Five Year Engagement" you may have noticed the reference to the "Marshmallow Experiment" and then the next screening of these research results with stale donuts. The marshmallow experiment was carried out by Walter Mischel of Stanford University and basically tested a child's capability to delay gratification.

In brief, each child was told that they could have one marshmallow right now or two later on if they were able to wait. They were placed in a place with a marshmallow in front of them. Some kids just ate the marshmallow immediately. Other people tried out a variety of tactics in their attempt to wait. About a third of the 600 children who were tested effectively delayed their desire for getting gratification.

Walter Mischel later learned that those kids who had been triumphant also done better in their SAT tests years later. Hence a link between displaying an instinctive capacity to look for a technique to delay gratification and that of achievement in later life can be seen.

Exactly how could this info assist you to develop a good strategy towards slimming down or curbing cravings? It appears that maybe one third of us have got a natural capacity to find a good coping strategy whilst the rest of us find the task more difficult.

But just because something does not come naturally to us doesn't imply that it's not feasible. The truth is, our brains have a wonderful and also natural element of "plasticity" and we could know new mental capabilities on a continuous basis. All we should do then is to become aware of the mental strategies utilized by those people who are good in delaying gratification, and then copy them.

That possibly appears too easy, but it really is a simple task. Your own attitude, your mental tactic upon embarkation of a task is a really precise predictor of your outcome. With the right attitude you'll achieve the desired outcome.

When it comes to dieting or losing weight we almost all know what we have to do. The problem happens in not recognizing how you can place that knowing into good action.

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Enjoy Eating with the Diabetic Diet

By James Steele

The truth about the diabetic diet is that it does not exist as a particular diet that only includes certain foods. Yes, people talk about it and use those two words, but the interesting thing is that this so called diet is perfect for anyone.

Often, diabetics are told to eat foods that have a lower glycemic rating. A low GI rated food will not produce a huge spike on blood sugar levels. You want to avoid unstable blood sugar levels.

There is also a correlation between excessive consumption of high GI rated foods and obesity. It can be dangerous to be obese when you're also diabetic. It can be difficult to manage the serious risks that can be caused by excess weight.

It is a good idea to get into the habit of reading food labels. Keep track of the amounts listed for the sugar and carbohydrates in your food.

You will need to limit the amount of carbohydrates you consume every day. If you want to enjoy a slice of cake, you will need to cut out carbohydrates somewhere else. That is called carbohydrate substitution and is important for you to know and do.

You can still remain active if you have diabetes. Professional athletes with this condition still perform well. The diabetic diet plays an important role over time. In addition to medical prescriptions, this is one of your greatest weapons to maintaining a normal lifestyle. Watching what you eat and regular exercise will help you manage your diabetes.

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Being Fit In A New Year With Kettlebell Exercises

By Greg Diener

Another New Years has passed and chances are that your New Year's Resolution got tossed out with your noisemakers. Lose ten pounds, quit your bad habits, try something new - it's the same every year and the plan is almost always forgotten by February. But, maybe, the problem is that the plan is, in fact, the same every year. If you want to shed those holiday pounds, let go of some bad habits, and jump start a new you the answer could be kettlebell exercises. I know what you're thinking - "what are they? Aren't they just weird weights?"

Unlike more classic weightlifting that utilizes dumbbells and barbells, kettle bells are round with a handle that allow for a more varied center of gravity depending on how it is used. The kettlebell workout is a different way to workout. Let's be honest, regular weightlifting is tedious and weights. The distinctive style allows for not only escalated strength and weight loss, but also increasing stamina, control, flexibility and range of motion.

People often underestimate the importance of a good strength training regimen when they want to shed weight, especially women. We've all heard that muscle weighs more than fat and often misconstrue that to the point where only focus on cardio. Strength training can increase your resting metabolism, this means you keep burning calories after your workout. It can also boost your energy levels and protect bone health and muscle mass.

You might be thinking: how could new kettlebell exercises if nothing has before? I've always found that frequently trying new things keeps me compelled. Routine breeds familiarity and, as you may have heard, familiarity breeds contempt. After endless hours on the treadmill without the results you want to see - you could possibly give up on the idea of a better, healthier you all together. It's easy to lose traction when you're doing the same thing every day with no change to your schedule at all. A unique and distributed approach could be just what you need.

If you're tired of hitting the treadmill and you've begun to feel like a hamster on a wheel, try a new concept to working out. If you discover kettlebells aren't for you, sign up for a new dance class, or take a walk instead of driving. Know that just a little more of activity every day is a good start to kicking off your new life style for the New Year.

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Understanding Overweight and Obesity for Effective Weight Loss

Being overweight or obese are candidate cases for considering weight loss, the main motivation for which is to reduce stress on the heart. Better heart health can help lower the probability of conditions and diseases related to obesity or weighing too much.
According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), "overweight and obesity are both labels for ranges of weight that are greater than what is generally considered healthy... " For adults, the body mass index or BMI is used to determine these ranges, as it correlates well with the amount of body fat for most people.
A BMI of between 25 and 29.9 means overweight, while a reading of 30 or more denotes obesity. To put this into perspective, a 5-foot nine adult who weighs 203 pounds or more is obese; if the weight is between 169 and 202 pounds, this person is overweight. Or put simply, obesity means exceedingly overweight.
As BMI does not directly measure body fat, there are exceptions to these prescribed ranges and labels. For example, even though they do not have excess body fat, athletes may have a BMI that identifies them as overweight.
Primary Causes of Overweight and Obesity
Overeating is the main reason for most people being overweight. A small minority are obese due to some endocrine or glandular disorder, erratic metabolism, or an inherited trait that runs in the family. The majority of obesity cases is caused by nervousness and bad eating habits.
Nervousness and Obesity
For a variety of reasons, some people overeat when nervous and they may not even be aware of it. Eating can help relieve anxiety as food provides some sort of satisfaction. As these people get more and more anxious, they eat more and more - this vicious cycle can feed on itself and the result is weight gain.
Constant tension and stress in work or home environments affect some people in that the glands in their nervous and glandular systems constantly drive their blood sugars to low levels. This makes them feel continuously hungry, weak, tired and tense. As eating can momentarily raise blood sugars to normal levels, they regain strength and concentration to finish their tasks. But too much eating takes its toll on their weight.
In other cases, a feeling of failure can lead to overeating. Some people resort to food when they feel depressed or inferior -- somehow they'd find solace in eating. Invariably, this reliance makes them gain too much weight. And not being able to lose these extra pounds quickly can easily turn into another failure to deal with.
Getting Fat from Bad Food Habits
People have all sorts of bad food habits. Many people eat out of boredom. Or sheer habit: having something to go with reading the newspaper or book. Food even enters the lengthy or uneasy business meeting to get it going.
Others try to eat quick meals, frequenting those so-called "minute" diner or lunch counters - they just gulp down their food and race of to their busy schedules. Still, others have been trained from childhood to "finish their plate" so they'd just stuff everything down though they are full.
Yet, many of us are victims of monotony or poor cooking in our meals. We don't vary the selection and choice of foods much, out of sheer inertia, indifference or simply lack of at­tention. Quantity usually makes up for what is lacking in quality - this seeking of satisfaction from calories can only cause weight gain.
Everyone Can Lose Weight
With a better understanding of what can cause a person to become overweight and obese, it becomes easier to tackle the problem alongside the pursuit of weight loss. By consciously avoiding those primary pitfalls, the weight watcher would have conquer half the weight loss battle; the other half has to depend on tried and test ways for losing weight.
Effective methods to lose weight and other weight loss tips can be learned at, an online resource website that emphasizes weight loss that works. Avoid the lure of easy weight loss by understanding why diet pills aren't safe and simply don't work for the long term. Even when you're overweight, stick with methods that lose weight gradually and surely; don't crash and burn.

Uncovering the Truth on Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract. Is This The Natural Way to Lose Weight?

By Jen Waters

Dr Oz did an entire show on Green Coffee Bean Extract and weight loss. Supplement shops across the country are sold out of anything containing green coffee bean. Every magazine has an article about losing weight by using Pure Green Coffee Bean extract. There is no question that there is a huge buzz around Green Coffee Bean, but is the buzz justified? Can Green Coffee Bean help you lose weight? How does it work? Is it safe? These are all the questions we will answer in this article.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that Green Coffee and Green Coffee bean extract are the same thing. This is not the case. Green Coffee Bean extract is made by taking green coffee beans and creating an extraction that contains 50% Chloragenic acid. Green Coffee on the other hand has almost no Chloragenic acid. The reason for this difference is because Green Coffee uses roasted coffee beans. The roasting process exposes the beans to very high temperatures and Chloragenic acid can not survive under high temperatures.

Now to the real question, is there any research to show that Green Coffee Bean Extract can actually help you lose weight? It turns out there is. The University of Scranton recently conducted a study on the effects of Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract and weight loss. The results were then published in the Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity Journal. In the double blind, placebo controlled study, 16 over weight adults between the ages of 22 and 46 were split into three groups. One group got 700mg a day of Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract (the low dose group). Another group got 1050mg a day (the high dose group). The third group was the control and received a placebo. The study took place over a 22 week period and participants were instructed not to change their diet or exercise.

The results at the end of the study were shocking, even to the authors. Every single person who took Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract lost weight. In fact, on average, participants lost 17 pounds and 16% of their body fat. There were no reported side effects during the study. It is important to understand that this was a placebo controlled, double blind, cross-over study - the gold standard when it comes to research.

So far, everything looks positive regarding Green Coffee Bean Extract, but there is still one important topic to address - side effects. Many people have avoided green coffee because they worry that the caffeine in it will give them unwanted side effects. The truth is, a Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract will only have about 15-20mg of caffeine in a single serving. A large coffee from Starbucks can have well over 150mg of caffeine. If you need to avoid all caffeine, you will need to skip Green Coffee Bean Extracts. If you can tolerate small amounts of caffeine, you should not see negative side effects with the Pure Green Coffee Bean extracts.

In conclusion, our review of Pure Green Coffee Bean extract finds it to be a worthwhile supplement for anyone who is looking to lose weight. Yes, a smart diet and exercise are always important, but Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract can help you lose weight, and who doesn't need a little help when it comes to weight loss. Do your own research, but once you read all the literature we believe you will be as impressed with green coffee beans as we are.

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Healthy Diet and Exercise: Two Important Components to Eliminate Stomach Fat

ercising while making use of interval training is usually short compared to standard cardio exercises. Phase training exercises do not usually last for more than 20 minutes. Normally, a time interval exercise will begin with a warm-up and changing intervals of high intensity and lower power exercises. Cooling down your body would be the final part of the training. The high intensity part of the time interval training normally lasts for 30 to 60 seconds followed by active rest. The time frame for active rest usually uses 30 to 90 seconds time interval.
Importance of Healthy Diet
Too many individuals are working out for fat reduction and neglect the effects of proper dieting. The level of your exercise will not matter. You cannot achieve the weight loss that you want if you do not eat healthy. The simplest way to reduce ugly belly fat for you is to quit alcohol and beer consumption. You cannot out-exercise your horrible dietary practices. There is nothing complex about right diet, you just need to do it.
Your food choices should be turkey, lean beef, fruits, chicken, oatmeal, vegetables, non-fat dairy and eggs. Discard the foods that are extremely processed including foods with extra sugar, foods that are filled with fat, and foods that are inorganic. Once your system become in tuned to eating balanced and healthy diet, your desire for junk foods will gradually stop.
The aforementioned steps are easy, but many individuals try to make it difficult. You do not require a PhD to find out a sensible way to lose belly fat.
Click here to unlock the secrets and tips of losing belly fat.